/ xShop Airdrop /
To respect the participants in this Presale session for their support, a pool of 8,000,000 xShop tokens (160,000 USD) will be split and free airdropped to all participants in the Presale session.
Just like, follow , and join Shopereum social pages and fill the form below:
http://pages.today/form220The amount airdropped to each participant will be calculated as = (Number of xShop bought for participant / Total number of xShop sold in the session) x Total Airdrop Pool.
The amount airdropped will be distributed to the participants within 24 hours after the end of Presale session (before the listing time 8:00 Dec. 20 UTC) in their Coineal accounts.
/ Project Introduction /
Shopereum is an eCommerce site that sells products and accepts fiat and crypto payments. It uses modern marketing strategies and AI techniques to offer a rich shopping experience and optimize digital transactions, Shopereum is envisioned to be a shopping place for everyone: it accepts the most common crypto currencies (BTC, LTC, ETH, XRP, USDT, ….), besides the Shopereum token xShop, as well as fiat payment.
/ Token Info /
Total supply: 600,000,000
/ Common Links /
Official website:
https://www.shopereum.ioWhite paper: