
Topic: [YAC] Modifying Mining_proxy to work with Yacoin (Read 1885 times)

Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Just a quick update.
I've not got the stratum proxy working yet but for anyone thats stuck behind proxies I have found a way to mine past it.
I've done this on a windows machine but it should also work for anyone on Linux.
My particular setup is that I have a windows machine in one part of the network that does not require a proxy.
The mining machines are in a second part of the network that only has a http proxy and no socks proxy.
I take no credit for any of these programs, I just found them all online.

1. Install Python 2.7.5 located at
2. Next, you need to get urllib3 from All you need from this repo is the urllib3 directory.
3. Put the urllib3 directory into the lib directory of your python installation.
4. Next download from
5. Install rollproxy into any directory.
6. Create a bat file to start the proxy.
the bat file should contain the following line and be saved in the same directory as rollproxy, obviously changing the username and password for your own and using whatever pool you want.
d:\Python27\python.exe http://USERNAME:[email protected]:8088/ -p 9001
7. Start the proxy.
8. On the machine that you want to run the miner on, you just start it now with :
minerd -a scrypt-jane -o http://IPADDRESSOFPROXY:9001 -O USERNAME:PASSWORD -r 9999 -x HTTPPROXYIFREQUIRED

One thing I would suggest is that if you have multiple miners you create a different proxy bat file for each one to mine on a different port ( -p part) with a different username and password which matches the usernames and passwords on your mining pool.
this way you can keep track of them easier.
This setup will work with any mining pool and any coin as it is algorithm independent.

Let me know if this works for anyone else and if anyone finds this useful my wallets below could use some love Smiley
Activity: 24
Merit: 0
Thanks!really need this!
Activity: 30
Merit: 0
Hi all,
Since I'm still a newbie here I cant post anywhere else in the forums.
I'm still a newbie at mining and all this jazz.
I've been mining Yacoin for the day on a p2pool using my home PCs but I want to try and use my work PCs as well.
Unfortunately I'm stuck behind a horrible proxy that has no SOCKS set up so I need to use the mining_proxy to use those machines.

As the current mining proxy doesn't support scrypt-jane I have forked cryptomaniacs version on github to and I will try and get it working with scrypt-jane.

However, if any more experienced people please get there before feel free to use this fork as a base and we can combine the work.

Wish me luck Smiley
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