It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
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We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Şimdi açıklamaya çalışayım. bu borsaya depozit ettiğim tutar 29 mbtc. BMINE hissesine yatırdığım tutar : ฿0.02761990 yani yaklaşık 28mbtc Yatırımı yaparken ön görüm zorluk değişmez ise koyduğum rakamı yaklaşık 43 günde ROI etmek sonrasında yatırdığım btc yi borsadan geri çekip faucet geliri gibi burda kalan hisseden azar azar satoshi biriktirmekti. ( akmasa da damlasın.) içerdeki 29 mbtc yi çıkardıktan sonra içerden gelen her satoshi benim için kardı. Ancak yatırımı yaptıktan sonra fark ettiğim 4 durum oldu. 1) bu borsanın transfer fee si yüksek. 2) yatırdığım rakam çok küçük. 3) bu gün (33 gün oldu) itibariyle yatırımı koruyor durumdayım. 4) bitcoin'in blok yarılanmasına yaklaştıkça fiyatının sert şekilde yükseleceğini bununda hissenin fiyatına yansıyacağını düşünüyorum. işin özü şu aslında, bitcoin fiyatı yükseldikçe BMINE karlılığını artıracak bunun yanında diff arttıkça daha az btc kazacak ve ben bu makasın tersine işleyeceğini düşünüyorum. bilmem niyetimi anlatabildim mi? |
Şimdi açıklamaya çalışayım. bu borsaya depozit ettiğim tutar 29 mbtc. BMINE hissesine yatırdığım tutar : ฿0.02761990 yani yaklaşık 28mbtc Yatırımı yaparken ön görüm zorluk değişmez ise koyduğum rakamı yaklaşık 43 günde ROI etmek sonrasında yatırdığım btc yi borsadan geri çekip faucet geliri gibi burda kalan hisseden azar azar satoshi biriktirmekti. ( akmasa da damlasın.) içerdeki 29 mbtc yi çıkardıktan sonra içerden gelen her satoshi benim için kardı. Ancak yatırımı yaptıktan sonra fark ettiğim 4 durum oldu. 1) bu borsanın transfer fee si yüksek. 2) yatırdığım rakam çok küçük. 3) bu gün (33 gün oldu) itibariyle yatırımı koruyor durumdayım. 4) bitcoin'in blok yarılanmasına yaklaştıkça fiyatının sert şekilde yükseleceğini bununda hissenin fiyatına yansıyacağını düşünüyorum. işin özü şu aslında, bitcoin fiyatı yükseldikçe BMINE karlılığını artıracak bunun yanında diff arttıkça daha az btc kazacak ve ben bu makasın tersine işleyeceğini düşünüyorum. bilmem niyetimi anlatabildim mi? |
Withdrawal fees are currently 0.0010BTC, with 0.0005BTC being paid as a network transaction fee to ensure your withdrawal transaction is included in the blockchain quickly.
Withdrawal fees are currently 0.0010BTC, with 0.0005BTC being paid as a network transaction fee to ensure your withdrawal transaction is included in the blockchain quickly.
Units Outstanding 2920
Last Price ฿0.02802000 (~$14.25)
Market Cap ฿81.8184 (~$41609.57)
Last Dividend ฿0.00069153 per unit on Dec 5th
Next Dividend ฿0.00069153 per unit on Dec 6th
Annual Yield 493.60%
Order Book View Order Book
Bitcoin Difficulty Derivative (BDD) is a set of three distinct linked contracts, B.MINE, B.SELL, and B.EXCH, that allows users to speculate on the future of the Bitcoin Network Difficulty.
B.MINE acts as a 100 GH/s (100 Gigahash per second) Mining Payout Contract (formerly colloquially known as a ‘Mining Bond’)
B.SELL is a bet that buyers overvalue B.MINE
B.EXCH is the contract that can be purchased to receive a BDD Pair (1 B.MINE and 1 B.SELL)
B.MINE allows its holder to receive daily dividends of the theoretical mining output of a 100GH/s Bitcoin miner. Dividends will be paid to holders of B.MINE at or around 12:00PM Eastern Time each day.
For an individual who wants to enter the Bitcoin mining space, purchasing B.MINE has the following advantages over purchasing a physical Bitcoin miner, or a miner-backed security:
• Mining payouts start immediately – there is no pre-order or shipping delay
• Since the payout is calculated via formula instead of on actual mining hardware performance, there are no mining pool fees, no risk of hardware failure, no risk of power outage, no risk of mining hardware underperforming its specifications, and no electricity bills
• Dividends are paid daily and not subject to minimum dividend payment limits
• B.MINE may be sold at any time into the Market for the Market Price, provided that there are buyers for it
Buyers can acquire a B.MINE contract in one of two ways:
1. Purchasing B.MINE on the open Market from another user, or
2. Purchasing B.EXCH, which is automatically exchanged for a BDD Pair (1 B.MINE and 1 B.SELL); and selling the B.SELL contract on the open Market
B.MINE’s daily dividend payout is calculated using the following formula:
B.MINE Hash Rate * Block Reward * 86400 * ((65535 / 2^48 )/Difficulty)
B.MINE Hash Rate is the set hash rate, in H/s (hashes per second) of B.MINE. This is set at 100GH/s (100,000,000,000 H/s)
Block Reward is the Bitcoin Network Block Reward for the current Difficulty. This is currently at 25 BTC per Block and will remain so until about sometime during 2016. However, When the actual Bitcoin Network Block Reward halves, this value will halve as well.
86400 is the number of seconds in a day, which is relevant because Bitcoin mining computation power is measured in hashes per second (H/s)
65535 / 2^48 is the constant which is divided by Difficulty to produce the likelihood of producing a Block in a single hash
Difficulty is the Bitcoin Network Difficulty at 12:00 PM Eastern Time on the day that dividends are paid out
B.MINE and Difficulty
Bitcoin Difficulty Derivative’s goal is to keep a maximum of 180 days (six months) worth of daily dividends at the current Difficulty in reserve for B.MINE. 180 Days of Dividends is referred to as the ‘Reserve’. The formula for calculating B.MINE’s dividend payout is based partly upon the Bitcoin Network Difficulty (the Difficulty). As the Difficulty changes, the fund’s target Reserve will change as well.
If the Difficulty increases then, at the Difficulty change, the total capital required to hold 180 days of B.MINE’s dividends will fall. If Difficulty falls, the total capital required to hold 180 days of B.MINE’s dividends will rise. If difficulty increases, a 100GH/s miner would pay out less in daily dividends; If difficulty falls, a 100GH/s miner would pay out more in daily dividends.