I "got it" as to why the Yazdis were not given US refugee status and brought to the US during the Obama years, he having some weird pro-muslim sympathies.
But I do not know why they are not NOW being given such status. They certainly deserve it. And they could be given jobs immediately helping build the wall!
This might be related with conspiracy theory of ISIS is the secret agency from US .
It's pretty much a fact at this point, but to be fair, it seems to be more Israeli than the U.S.. As usual it's U.S. money which pays for the wages, training, gear, etc, for 'ISIS' but we probably have little to do with the management of this force.
It's not a surprise at all to see the so-called 'ISIS' beheading Christians. That's what the Noahide Laws call for so their ISIS mercenaries are just getting a 'head start' so-to-speak. The guys dressed in black doing the chopping are 21st degree Freemason 'judges' who are charged with the executions. So says IsraeliNewsLive anyway.*
It's also no surprise to see the Yazdis singled out for special treatment (shipped of to Turkey for organ harvest) because it was this group who produced the 'Wise Men from the East' who blessed their arch enemy the baby Jesus.
(*) The stuff gets censored off Youtube nowadays: https://www.bitchute.com/video/S69IrFi438X9/
BTW, Squatz1 above is exactly right. The original story is total Rita Katz style Zionist propaganda and the 'publisher' is set up for the sole purpose of spewing it. Their bread-n-butter is trying to vilify Muslims which is one of the main goals of their ISIS operation. I'm so used to reading between the lines on this stuff I forgot to call out caution. Thanks Squatz1!