I doubt whether the black lives matter and the other radical and fringe organizations will be interested in this incident, as the girl is white. Had it been a minority person, then they would have gone ballistic over it.
The Black Lives Matter don't always promote what's good even for the black community, why don't they protest when black gangs killed so many innocent people with their senseless gun fights, if we anticipate to prevent the cops from killing us then we have to stop killing ourselves first.
Simple reason: we expect black gangs, or criminals for that matter to commit crimes. However, when peace officers are more afraid of average Black citizens that criminals are, then, it may turn into an issue. Will you pay me to be afraid of you and possibly shoot you? No taxation without representation, yes?
Why when the specific issue of police brutality against minorities is brought up, there is an attempt to conflate it with minority criminality? Or abortion rates? Yeah, people die, it's fucked up. But in this, we are talking about the folks that wear blue, that seem to be absolutely terrified of normal people who wear black skin. Who taught you to be so afraid?
Why should the rate of Black on Black crime, have any effect on the rate of police on Black crime? It's a good talking point, to try to deflate the brevity of the issue, but can anyone point out a mathematical relationship, or even a causal relationship, on why this should effect how cops treat Blacks?
And If this is the case, and a known thing, then why doesn't this make the police more empathetic?
For the life of me, what is ya'lls issue with Black Lives Matter? It's a protest group. Just like the pro Trump groups. What is so hard to comprehend about feeling unsafe with police? They just shot a motherfucker for carrying legally, and complying. He didn't do shit wrong, except make the officer so fucking nervous in a standard police interaction that he blew his fucking brains out, in front of a kid and a woman. That's what I should expect from the cops? And when my kid goes out of the house, thats what may happen to him?
I can play the same rhetorical games
( note: this is a false argument. If you can't see the fallacies in this, educate yourself)
1) More White Male Americans commit pedophilia than any other racial group in America.
2) White males have the highest incidence of sexual violence against women in America.
3) So no White males should have an opinion about pedophilia or sexual violence, as it is normalized amongst them and should not be a point of concern.
So why is PizzaGate and pedo Podesta a talking point again?
Edit: and any sensible human would condemn this, if you are related to a female. I was one of the first, but im not affiliated with BLM. Opinions like yours are the reason it's a waste of time. BLM is a call for understanding to folks that don't care, let alone understand. Police brutality against minorities is the symptom; conservative policymaking is the cause (militarization of civilian police/ non reactive policing strategies). If you aren't rich, you aren't that many steps up the totem pole from a minority when it comes to poor police interactions. Police fear one thing: litigation. And litigation is expensive.
All lives matter man. No one is arguing that. But to black people, in the case of police brutality, Black Lives Matter. That what we are talking about. Police killing black people at a higher rate proportionately than other races. Nothing else. They claim no additional platform, just that simple point of contention.
What's wrong with not wanting to get killed?