You have to create a masternode adress first in the yiimp console !!!
You get some help when you type in the console : masternode help
1. "command" (string or set of strings, required) the command to execute
available commands:
count - get information about number of masternodes (deprecated options: 'total', 'ps', 'enabled', 'qualify', 'all')
current - print info on current masternode winner to be paid the next block (calculated locally)
genkey - generate new masternodeprivkey
outputs - print masternode compatible outputs
start-alias - start single remote masternode by assigned alias configured in masternode.conf
start-- start remote masternodes configured in masternode.conf ( : 'all', 'missing', 'disabled')
status - print masternode status information
list - print list of all known masternodes (see masternodelist for more info)
list-conf - print masternode.conf in json format
winner - print info on next masternode winner to vote for
winners - print list of masternode winners
To create the Masternode !
In Console:
masternode genkey <--- you need this laters in the wallet.conf
getaccountaddress mn1 <---- that will create the masternode account adress where you have to ship the coins that activate the Masternode
Send the coins to the Masternode Adress
when they confirmed type in the console masternode outputs and you get a number that you need in the masternode.conf
mn1 yourmasternodeprivkey yourmasternodeoutputs 1
That or something like that with your Coin details should be in your Wallet.conf !
# onlynet=ipv4
port=your port
masternode=0 (when the wallet is fully synced change it to 1)
masternodeprivkey=your masternode pkey
To start the masternode on yiimp conole type masternode start-alias mn1 in the console
If the masternode has started you will get this message in the console:
"alias": "mn1",
"result": "successful"
Hope this helps maybe , that i have done for a masternode i run on my pool !
You also should setup a stratum port for the coin !
Source : From my pool wallet.conf , masternode conf , yiimp pool console !