Hi, I have a problem and maybe you can help me. My Yobit account is blocked and I have my money there. What can I do? I have opened a ticket at Yobit but no response...
First of all, you should have never ever gone near yobit. If you heard any reviews on the forum and seen any of the complaints, you know that they are not some site that you want to mess around with.
At any stage they could take your money, suspend your account, and call it a day with their selective scamming. And there would be absolutely nothing you could do because of their unresponsive support and the fact that they're largely an unregulated entity.
For now, I'd recommend you just being patient and waiting for a response. Keep asking for your account to be unbanned and ask for justifications as to why it was banned. If there was some form of valid justification, ask them to return your coins. Keep reiterating these messages to their support, possibly in Russian as well using google translate since some people found success with that.