That's a beautifully shot and edited video.
I'm inclined to agree with the general idea, and although I think the tree scientist's view may be a little exaggerated he certainly speaks a lot of truth.
I was pleasantly surprised that the film didn't stray too far into "conspiracy land". Although some people believe that the current system is run by some sort of shadowy NWO-style group, that conspires to actively control human behaviour, my personal view is a little different:
You should take his words with a grain of salt of course, as you should with everything. Stay skeptical, critical thinking is a rare trait that you should cherish.
In our global village we do not think critically enough anymore, we are bombarded with trends information that slowly as captivated us into submission. Media is used to manipulate mass society into passivity. Creating more and more information, and less and less meaning. I think there is an underlying problem with how we perceive what is important for us. The worst thing is that we were warned about our self inflicting dystopia by many writers and intellectuals for many decades. We have ended up in a strange hybrid of their visions of the future and a shadow group or elite is not an unthinkable think to have in a society that is passive and submits to a centralised machine that it feeds.
Like is said in my clip I think we it's time for a new language, I believe in Bitcoin being that language hence me posting it on this forum.
The language I used for my analysis accompanying this video is the language of Intervention design.
It is the theory and praxis of designing for the new world without drifting away from the old world too far. Intervention design is design for a rapidly changing society. Normal’ design leads to solutions based on old models and way of thinking, thus solving symptoms instead of the real problem.
Intervention design tries to intervene between both worlds by first investigating how the problem would be solved using 'normal’ design, then investigating how the problem would be solved using new ideas and insights by stripping the problem to the core.
I have found that more people are waking up to the reality that the world is an echo chamber by design and we are held captive by corporate enslavement and we enslave ourselves.
The world is only divided by matter of interpretation, I think living in our time is a fascinating experience. I want to make others understand that technology can liberate us from scarcity.
I have a presentation I have to prepare for tomorrow, thank you again everyones reading this for your words, thoughts and impressions.
If you could help me share my message I would be forever grateful.
Kind regards,