This in turn started the rise of the mega-bankers that quickly realized lending to governments is much more profitable than to common people, and enabled them to manipulate the economy and political structures as well. War is in their best interest, as countries find themselves fast indebted to the banks which at that point have total control over them.
In a Bitcoin world, no government or bank can simply print new money into existence endlessly to fund a war. Since Bitcoin is finite and cannot be debased this way, government needs direct financial support from the common people to do basically anything, as their balances are also then finite. We would vote directly for government actions through our direct funding of such initiatives. The US Government could care less in this regard because our votes don't matter, and they can have as much money created as they desire to fuel the war machine. They don't need the taxpayer to bomb other countries that have done nothing directly to us.
I think of you and I had to directly fund a war with our own money to have one, there would be virtually no war. If there was a war, it would be very short as that funding only goes so far. Going to war would then have to be the result of a profound threat to the state where war is the only option and the majority of people agree.
I don't believe Bitcoin can solve all of the worlds problems, but the fundamental change to our monetary system out of the hands of greedy, war driven bankers would be an excellent start to rid the world of suffering.
You are right, what you say is talked about in the video; Bitcoin doesn't solve anything but without a fiat currency it is harder to fund a huge war without applying a lot of pressure on the people to steal their money