USeless nonsense from the welfare case
BTW I am still here (you and Brunos campaign FAILED)
StakeMiners still exists
We have never missed a payment in 2+ years
Changes have been made that people dont agree with, but we were the first of our kind and situations arrose that were out of our control that we did not expect------> WE ADAPTED
I have not stolen anything form anyone
My spelling is still trash
he has no good reason for anything he does.
So much like your post, your opinion of me has been proven wrong and is useless in thsi thread.
Why not attack your boyfriend Gleb like you do everyone else, ask him why he stole the guys money, tell him how irresponsible it is not to pay a guy back you stole from, go to a Bitcoin conference with stolen funds and risk jail time. And shit you can dig all thru this ICO you are very well versed on the stupidity of investing in an ICO especially when he is lacking certain important things like... ahh... i dunno a code base, programming skills, copding skills, positive attitude to be able to attract anyone worth of shit to his project. a lot of very important things he needs he doesnt have.
And if he had any god damn balls he would not self moderate and lock his topics like a baby.
You do know all of Brunos coin threads are self moderated and he has already deleted posts pertaining to his own undeniable actions like all scammers supposedly do.
My thread is locked for good reason, no need for derailing a topic with useless off topic nonsense like his post above. he opted not to address his wrong doings, but blast a huge copy and past post (instead of a simple link) which is not what scam accusations are for. And since nothing I say can he rebuttle with anything but copy and paste posts from his scam accusation thread it is there for people to see, read and make their decision. Plus I knew he would start this one so now google has 2 scam sites with his coin in the name to index. THANK YOU BRUNO.
Thanks for your time 2 face canada welfare case.
Ok lets get into it arrogant little shit.
Buckle up sweety.. prepare for a reply you can not prepare for.
Let me say right away that literally nothing that ever comes out of your mouth is true.
AND THAT is the problem with you.
I just tried to be nice as i could and say hey buddy.. no one is buying your shit so keep it real.
So what do you do ?
Yet again you double down on the stupidity.
I can see Gamow opened up on your ass but i think you deserve to be put in your place even more.
So i will go through every little bit of the last bullshit comment you posted.
Oh and i love the dig at me over being poor on Welfare when you live in a god damn tin hut in the Philippines...
And by the way i am not.
I never said i was and no proof has ever been posted (
just 1 baseless accusation from VOD)
Based on something
someone told him.. so he negged me for it (being on Welfare)
And guess how many people have been ? Probably half this forum.
So what was the original comment he magically found from 2013 ?
I posted here in 2013 that i was off work for Back problems.
that is it LOL
Ever since i have VOD and 1 or 2 other trolls hunting me calling me a welfare bum ever since.
I would wager many people here have admitted to have a health problem and being off work because of it..
Are they monsters too and are they also negged over it ?
Oh and it was only brought up when i was negged..
It is not like i was asked first.. he did that randomly in retaliation to get back at me.
No one bothered to ask me or even try and get proof.. a guy heard a rumor then negged me .. it's as simple as that.
Why ? Because i mocked him joking about people where he lives and he's a bitch who can't take a joke.
Ahh but i haven't even gotten into it yet with you cocky brat..
And i scrolled up to check your claim about Gamow's topics being self modded..
Nope.. not this one.. so your comment saying "ALL" is a lie.
Nor do i even recall him self modding any of his topics.
Know what ? i am liking this.. i am just going to free style slam poet your ass and reply in no specific order to your garbage.
I scrolled up to check to see if Gamow will self-mod this and delete my comment LOL
You would 'Pinoy because you are a coward and a lying fraud and delete shit to cover up your lies.
So Gamow posts proof ..words from your own mouth admitting in roughly 2 years you lost all the Bitcoin invested in your scheme (
the one with chronic bad math)
Then.. you show up here saying you didn't miss a payment.
Doesn't add up buddy.
What are you paying exactly and to WHOM ..if you lost all the users investment money ?
And how is that some kind of grand defense retort where you think you are now vindicated ?
Still here huh ?Well scammer boy you weren't.
You have been in hiding for a year or so which is why i commented on this topic earlier asking what happened to you.
Further more last i seen of you is when you were hanging out at Cryptsy's chat box defending them.
Then.. you ran to Cryptsy China with your Ratecoin scam buddy Terrik.
Which makes you also look bad LOL
Still around ? Barely.. you are on your last leg around here.
Me and Brunos campaign failed ?No as a matter of fact it succeeded.
We rallied against Cryptsy and you simultaneously in the face of lawsuit threats over defamation.
In return they are now the ones in a lawsuit with you possibly following soon with your own.
Further more in respect to the official campaign against Stakeminers it was more than just me and Gleb Gamow.. what does suchMoon get any credit for example ? LOL
And failed ?
Actually your scam site thingy failed.. you went broke with your worlds most profitable scheme.
So you are in fact full of shit and lying.
Changes have been made that people dont agree with, but we were the first of our kind and situations arrose that were out of our control that we did not expect------> WE ADAPTED
You are full of shit..
You were not the first and what changes do you claim ?
And situations arose ?
Yeah you lost everyone's money in a cloud mining scheme.. apparently you think you invented LOL
I really have to wonder do you believe all the shit that comes out of your mouth ?Stolen from anyone ?
Yeah you have by launching a crooked scammy scheme for profits.
He has plenty of good reason.. you are a lying fraud.
"your opinion of me has been proven wrong"
Actually the opposite.. and i dare anyone on this forum to challenge that.
Pinoy who the fuck on earth do you think believes your bullshit ?
You are either a compulsive or obsessive liar or a combo of both clinical definitions.
And i am familiar with dealing with them and eat them for breakfast regularly.
"Why not attack your boyfriend Gleb like you do everyone else" ?
I just did.. read my comment you quoted.
Consider Gleb "attacked"
And everyone ?
Yeah because they all deserve it.. or i would be banned for Trolling etc wouldn't i ?
I also heard the stolen money story long ago.
And you are dredging it up because you are trying to retaliate for him exposing YOUR scam.
I will not play along with your diversion games.
positive attitude to be able to attract anyone worth of shit to his project
The nicest guys in crypto are the biggest frauds.
It is how they get your money.
And whether he has the needed skills to do his coin etc is not a qualification for a scam.
That is not proof of a scam that he lacks HTML or coding skills etc.
My thread is locked for good reason, no need for derailing a topic with useless off topic nonsense
You mean like you are doing here & now ? LOL
He copies and pasts shit because it is the proof you just said was not rebuked.
Thanks for your time 2 face canada welfare case.
2 face ?
I take offense to that but i will not apologize for being poor.
Would i get more credibility if i scammed people for a ton of BTC ?
And what now it's an insult to be called Canadian ?
hey at least we have running water and real houses with out tin roofs and WELFARE
jelly ? hahahhaha you wish you were living here mutha fucka'
~ Welfare Man signing off