The message being said to other motorist is that I support bitcoin. The fact that is in on a vanity plate and not a bumper sticker means that I have put much more effort into expressing this message.
So, actually, if the message you're trying to send is that you really like bitcoins, then a vanity plate is far superior to a bumper sticker. You're very much correct though, it did cost more $ and will perhaps get me audited by the IRS, but I plan on that anyway since I run my own business and have a flurry of write offs.
disclaimer: I'm not against bumper stickers. if you look at the back left corner of my car, you'll notice a BTC bumper sticker as well.
But you seem to have something against furries, otherwise you wouldn't have used the word 'flurry'.
Seriously, how would one get in touch with the guys who do this?: