You once said 100% luck is a bit unrealistic 99.5% luck is more likely in the long long long run.
The range of your pool. was 104% for 1400 blocks then 96% for 1000 blocks.
We both agree that a 10000 block stretch is more likely to get closer to 99.5-100.00%
And we both agree that a 100 block stretch will show 90 to 110 luck
more easily then a 10000 block stretch will do.
Simply because a longer run lets the leveling of luck happen.
So I am not disagreeing that a larger pool is supposed to level closer to 99.5-100%
And that a 10000 block a year pool is less likely to do 96% or 104%
then a 100 block pool is to do 96% to 104%
I am simply saying that the 100 block pool is more easily cover with a 10 block bond for a year then the 10,000 block pool is covered by the same size bond.
You are insisting that both pools need the same reserve (bond) because of Meni's formula
If I make this pool and have to pay 27 blocks a day 1 bad day the first day of the pool and the bond will suffer.
If I make this pool and have to pay .27 blocks a day 1 bad day the first day of the pool and the bond will survive it.
If you look at bigger pools such as ant pool they do have bad days.
If I was funding the bond for the pool I would think that I am more likely to lose money then make it.
If I were the pool owner I would think I am likely to fail.
I know that after 1 year my 100 block a year pool needs to have made 98 blocks for the pool owner and the bond owner to both profit. Not only they do 98 blocks but they space them fairly well.
I know after 1 year my 10000 block a year pool need to have made 9800 blocks to profit.
In both cases they made 98% of why they should make and fees are 4% and 1.5% which cover the short fall in luck.
I know that after 1 year my 100 block a year pool needs to have made 97 blocks to pay the bond back or ask for a renewal.
As my fee structure will cover that
At the 96 block level I am most likely losing money and dipping into the bond.
So the bond owner would have a small loss.
to give an example using your pool numbers here are your last 100 blocks
"Last 100 Blocks 100.3wks 106.41% 102.35% 0.7458 93.97% 95.31%"
93.97%. which is a cdf of 0.7458
So 1 in four times this can happen.
So if I build this pool sell a 1 year bond and it does 100 blocks when it should have done around 106 blocks in a years time.
what are my results the fees on 100 blocks are around
4 blocks and 1 coin but I need to pay 106 blocks I am down 1 block and 5.25 coins of my bond.
So by simply looking at your pools stats
it is about 25% chance of losing around 11.5 coins. of the 62.5 or 10 block bond. In 1 year of a 100 block pool
based on the cdf of 0.7458
I don't want to start a pool or fund a bond with a 25% chance of losing some money
So basically with a fee structure of 4% on the block reward and 1.5% on the tx fees
a 100 block a year pool has a 25% chance of losing 11.6 coins out of 62.5 coins.
now if I pull your 500 block stats from I get this
Last 500 Blocks 163.2wks 107.53% 108.84% 0.9513 93.00% 100.31%
So 500 blocks made should have been 537 blocks made
my fees on 500 blocks based on 4% and 1.5% = 20 blocks and 5 coins
so 537-500 = 37 blocks - 20 blocks and 5 coins = 16 blocks and 1.25 coins loss which wipes out a 10 block bond.
the chance of that happening is about 5 percent based on your cdf of 0.9513
I don't want to start a pool with a 5% chance of failing at the 500 block point
1 last set of numbers lets say I do a 50 block a year pool and have a 10 block bond.
here are your 50 block numbers
Last 50 Blocks 88.6wks 115.94% 103.57% 0.8684 86.25% 88.52%"
so 50 blocks my fees are 2 blocks and .5 coins
I should have made 58 blocks
so 58-50 = 8 blocks short. my fees reduce it to 6 blocks -.5 coins. which once again heavily dents the 10 block bond.
with a 0.8684 cdf the chance is 13.16% that it CAN HAPPEN.
I do not use Meni's formula as a guide stick I simply used observation of stats that show
a 50 block cdf gives a 14% chance of a loss some of the bond.
a 100 block cdf gives a 25% chance of a loss some of the bond.
a 500 block cdf gives a 5% chance of losing more then the bond.
So how do I sell this idea to an investor?
The answer is binance is willing to lose some coins to support its trading platform
The answer is bitmain is willing to lose some coins to support bitdeer and gear sales
The answer is any one with a btc based platform that is raking in heavy coins may want to run a pps pool to keep miners around.
Could I honest tell my bond holder it is a good idea.
No unless he is running coinbase or hiabtc or bittrex since it helps to keep his trading business around.
To kano thank you for your clear and precise stats.
and as one can see a 500 block luck rate of 93% is more unlikely then a 86% luck rate at 50 blocks
which is going towards kano's arguementnt that it is not linear
but more coins were lost by the 500 block luck rate of 93% which is what I have been trying to say for 2 years. That in the case of pps the pool size matter for the amount of coin losses.
It does not matter that the 50 block event was 1 in 7 shot to happen this reduces the bond from 10 blocks to just under 6 blocks
and the 500 block event was 1 in 20 shot to happen this equals loss of bond and 7 blocks of coins into debt beyond the bond.
Both cases suck and are not a good selling point for a bond investor.
the block stats are from
see where most are
Block Statistics
Description------- Time Mean Diff% MeanTx% CDF[Erl] Luck% ?PAPPS%
Last 5 Blocks---- 39.7wks 107.55% 110.05% 0.6231 92.98% 101.40%
Last 10 Blocks--- 52.9wks 91.84% 106.28% 0.4368 108.88% 114.68%
Last 25 Blocks--- 72.3wks 105.95% 105.40% 0.6398 94.39% 98.59%
Last 50 Blocks--- 88.6wks 115.94% 103.57% 0.8684 86.25% 88.52%
Last 100 Blocks- 100.3wks 106.41% 102.35% 0.7458 93.97% 95.31%
Last 250 Blocks- 139.4wks 103.80% 104.22% 0.7307 96.34% 99.49%
Last 500 Blocks- 163.2wks 107.53% 108.84% 0.9513 93.00% 100.31%
Last 1000 Blocks 201.3wks 104.01% 109.15% 0.8968 96.14% 103.99%
All - Last 2432 Blocks 305.4wks 98.76% 104.67% 0.2721 101.25% 105.03%
Monthly Statistics
UTC Month Pool Avg Blocks Expected Mean Diff% MeanTx% CDF[Erl] Luck% PAPPS%
2020 July 10.32PHs 2 0.37 18.44% 107.57% 0.0534 542.36% 578.16%
2020 June 11.04PHs 1 0.51 51.25% 101.60% 0.4010 195.14% 196.49%
2020 May 13.85PHs 1 2.86 286.12% 133.03% 0.9428 34.95% 46.08%
2019 December 18.86PHs 1 1.63 163.50% 100.46% 0.8050 61.16% 60.89%
2019 October 19.14PHs 1 0.86 85.67% 101.07% 0.5754 116.73% 116.92%
2019 September 20.91PHs 2 1.45 72.34% 101.71% 0.4242 138.23% 139.33%
2019 August 33.05PHs 2 1.50 75.17% 104.04% 0.4433 133.04% 137.17%
2019 July 27.12PHs 1 1.37 136.96% 101.02% 0.7458 73.01% 73.10%
2019 June 51.03PHs 5 5.24 104.71% 105.93% 0.5998 95.50% 100.26%
2019 May 49.18PHs 4 6.99 174.83% 106.42% 0.9179 57.20% 60.32%
2019 April 40.40PHs 3 2.56 85.33% 104.77% 0.4714 117.20% 121.69%
2019 March 63.41PHs 6 4.03 67.21% 103.00% 0.2200 148.78% 151.87%
2019 February 62.33PHs 7 5.78 82.54% 101.71% 0.3581 121.15% 122.12%
2019 January 87.37PHs 7 10.00 142.80% 101.03% 0.8696 70.03% 70.11%
2018 December 54.43PHs 4 6.33 158.27% 101.53% 0.8760 63.18% 63.57%
2018 November 204.05PHs 10 18.52 185.22% 100.78% 0.9884 53.99% 53.92%