A German website reports:
Source: https://www.krypto-magazin.de/zero-zer-kurs-rechner/
From our point of view, it makes sense to look at the mining as well as the purchase of Zero (ZER).
However, different providers offer different good offers. We from Krypto magazine have here
Mining suppliers compared and present results from test reports
on this page.
Ps: you can generate with 1 Gtx 1080 ti between 10 -13 coins per day
The project will be expanded shortly with a lot of work and diligence.
There is a lot of potential in here and above all it is a fair community coin.
best regards
10 Coins per day is really interesting on current prices.
I don't have 1080, but I will check how much can I make with 4x1070
Thank for the input, I wasn't noticed Zero before.