Our Team has developed an iOS app for real-time market data and news aggregation. This is a great resource for new and veterans of Bitcoin. With our instant market price and news aggregator, you will be the most informed Bitcoiner around!
Android & Desktop platforms are in development. We would love to get any feedback from the Bitcoin community.
Features:- Real-Time market data from MTGOX streaming API
- Blockchain data from Blockchain API
- Aggregated news feed, from a large number of quality news sources.
Upcoming Features: - Clark Moody charts with unique greyscale theme (you can see a preview on our website)
- Price push notifications (Preview below)
- News push notifications
- Additional news sources
- More exchanges
- All currencies supported by MTGOX
- Personal holdings calculator (Preview below)
- News filter by time and popularity
See co-founder Dan Held interviewed in the Forbes video here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U18FG3ZAnoDownload our app here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zeroblock/id643184018?mt=8Donate: 1LHSr3ZnYeD6PpM7rfGNCLhBmU3o2x3oCN