Our Team has developed an iOS app for real-time market data and news aggregation. This is a great resource for anyone new to Bitcoin. With our instant market price and news aggregator, you will be the most informed Bitcoiner around! Android & Desktop platforms are in development. We would love to get any feedback from the Bitcoin community.
- Real-Time market data from MTGOX streaming API
- Blockchain data from Blockchain API
- Aggregated news feed, with data scraped every minute from a large number of quality news sources.
- News
Planned Features:
- Clark Moody charts with unique greyscale theme (you can see a preview on our website)
- Price push notifications
- News push notifications
- Additional news sources
- More exchanges
- All currencies supported by MTGOX
- Personal holdings calculator
- News filter (time/popularity)
For all you Android users out there, don't worry, we are working on app for you as well. We will be at the Bitcoin conference in San Jose if you'd like to meet up with us.
See co-founder Dan Held interviewed in the Forbes video here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_U18FG3ZAnoDownload our app here:
https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/zeroblock/id643184018?mt=8Donate: 1LHSr3ZnYeD6PpM7rfGNCLhBmU3o2x3oCN