It's a shame. These African countries are forever going to be in debt to the West and China etc. Bitcoin could be very useful to them but obviously they need the infrastructure there for the internet etc.
Debt is just the latest form of slavery, the White Western Banksters figured out a way they could legitimize it by integrating it directly into the core philosophy of capitalism. Little did they know this was a double-edged sword that would also fatally wound capitalism!
It is the indebted nations that will have the last laugh when they are finally liberated from these chains. The western banking nations are in for a painful transition to the new economy.
It's news to me, that the Western Banksters consist of only white people.
I also heard that white people were not welcomed to that country and farms taken away from them, when the leader decided that they "stole" the land.
Now, the people of that country suffer for the politicians "power" trips. {Robert Mugabe and his family shop in Paris and the people in his country, die of hunger}
I feel sorry for the people and
BTC could reduce the suffering. {Less fees / Less corruption / savings because they need no fiat}