Just got this up and running last night, and so far it looks like it's running like it should:
https://gitlab.com/salfter/zpool-switchIt'll work anywhere you can run Python. It's developed and tested on Linux, so it'll be easiest to get it running there, but Mac OS X should be nearly as simple (so long as miner binaries are available). It's untested under Windows, but as long as Python abstracts away things like starting and stopping processes well enough, it ought to work with no more than minimal modification.
No devfee. If you like it, you can always throw something in the tipjar (see below).
The stock configuration handles most of the algorithms zpool supports. I left out sha256d and scrypt because it's pointless to GPU-mine them anymore, and there are maybe one or two others where I either couldn't get a GPU miner running under Linux or zpool appeared to have problems on its end. The miners I picked ran fastest for me on my 1070s; if you're running AMD GPUs, you'll want to substitute different miners (and benchmark them to see which ones run fastest for a given algorithm).
Power management for nVIDIA GPUs is included. I do have an AMD GPU (an RX460) in my desktop machine...might need to experiment with that a bit.
Speaking of getting miners running on Linux, I've put up Gentoo ebuilds for the ones that I'm using (and a few more besides):