It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
Check if you have any rare satoshi Bitcoin Discussion
I agree with other forum members that even though you have rare Satoshi or Bitco…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | September 26, 2024, 08:29:20 PM | ||
Rare Satoshis, thoughts? Anyone on here holding or trading? Block 9 450x? Bitcoin Discussion
Every single satoshi on the Bitcoin blockchain are completely equal and the same…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | September 26, 2024, 08:25:08 PM | ||
Two non-consecutive blocks with the same coinbase tx. How is this possible? Bitcoin Technical Support
Ah i see. Thank you both. I found the answer. It was because block height wasn't…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | August 09, 2023, 05:19:43 AM | ||
Two non-consecutive blocks with the same coinbase tx. How is this possible? Bitcoin Technical Support
Found this tweet here:…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | August 08, 2023, 05:15:39 PM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Ca RomaniaTV si Antena3. Bravo! Ai multe de invatat! Urmareste-i cu atentie in c…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | September 08, 2020, 02:05:58 PM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Vorbesti prostii. Evident ca sunt si au fost cazuri de banci care impart spendin…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | September 08, 2020, 05:46:22 AM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Nu are foarte mare relevanta, fiindca publicul de aici este mult diferit de util…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | September 07, 2020, 04:37:00 PM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
E greu fara KYC, insa nu imposibil. Si este greu pentru ca nu se militeaza sufic…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | September 02, 2020, 07:45:24 AM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Atat materialele cat si sfaturile sunt apreciate. Multumesc de timp si de bunavo…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | May 06, 2020, 07:58:35 AM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
~Prefer valoare mult crescuta si adoptie in masa a monedei in detrimentul anonim…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | May 05, 2020, 02:30:23 PM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Si eu ma bucur ca ai formulat intrebarile de mai jos si sunt sigur ca si alti oa…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | May 05, 2020, 10:18:54 AM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Mie probabil imi stii deja parerea dar nu ma pot abtine sa spun ca, mai devreme…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | May 04, 2020, 02:13:26 AM | ||
Ce v-ati dori de la un exchange centralizat? Română (Romanian)
Dupa discutii constructive, cred eu, pe forum, am decis sa consult comunitatea i…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | May 03, 2020, 02:32:06 PM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Bitcoin Discussion
Hey ! I worked on a very similar project a few months ago. I used the exact same…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 27, 2020, 03:38:47 PM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian)
Ar fi fost dragut sa raspunzi la intrebarile pe care le-am adresat in ultima pos…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 27, 2020, 09:40:57 AM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian) |
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 27, 2020, 09:16:15 AM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian)
~Marea majoritate nu citeste legislatia. Nici cea veche, nici legile noi care ap…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 27, 2020, 05:59:50 AM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian)
Sunt perfect de acord cu tine in toate privintele.Ce este trist insa e faptul ca…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 27, 2020, 05:54:42 AM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian)
Ofera vreuna dintre aceste aplicatii tranzactii anonime, astfel incat utilizator…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 27, 2020, 02:41:24 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Speculation
Would it predict corona virus? Oil crisis?It could if you include fundamental an…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 26, 2020, 09:51:52 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Economics
I used to in 2017/18 follow quite a few of these neural learning projects. At le…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 26, 2020, 09:50:40 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Economics
I guess, if there were the real neutral network that can predict the price there…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 25, 2020, 08:41:02 PM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Economics
I guess, if there were the real neutral network that can predict the price there…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 25, 2020, 07:24:35 PM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Speculation
Would it predict corona virus? Oil crisis?It could if you include fundamental an…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 25, 2020, 05:38:00 PM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Speculation
I think this ai can predict price in common situations... but life isn't common…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 25, 2020, 12:30:30 PM | ||
What if you bought bitcoin in the early days? Off-topic
Pretty great website. It's just sad that I'm left behind of the BTC price back t…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 25, 2020, 09:34:32 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Economics
I guess, if there were the real neutral network that can predict the price there…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 25, 2020, 08:15:35 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Economics
I mean it's an interesting idea, I'm not sure how much its being/been done and h…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 24, 2020, 05:26:24 PM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Bitcoin Discussion
I'm trying for some time now to develop a neural network that can predict bitcoi…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 24, 2020, 08:01:21 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Economics
I'm trying for some time now to develop a neural network that can predict bitcoi…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 24, 2020, 07:58:11 AM | ||
Machine Learning (Keras LSTM and K-Clustering) to predict Bitcon Price Speculation
I'm trying for some time now to develop a neural network that can predict bitcoi…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 24, 2020, 07:27:38 AM | ||
Global recession and Bitcoin. How will it affect the usage of crypto? Bitcoin Discussion
Hello guys! I'm really curious about what will the recession do to bitcoin?We ha…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 23, 2020, 11:29:28 AM | ||
What if you bought bitcoin in the early days? Off-topic
Will guys in 2025 say the same about us? What do you think?Sure, they will.I've…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 23, 2020, 11:20:48 AM | ||
What if you bought bitcoin in the early days? Off-topic
Will guys in 2025 say the same about us? What do you think?Sure, they will.I've…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 23, 2020, 09:55:55 AM | ||
What if you bought bitcoin in the early days? Off-topic
This site gives you an insight into how much you would've earned for the price o…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 23, 2020, 07:10:40 AM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian)
Foarte tare aplicatia! Felicitari!! Keep up!Multumim frumos!
n/a | Vlad.Sas | April 23, 2020, 07:04:48 AM | ||
Am facut aplicatiile care pot inlocui localbitcoins Română (Romanian)
Vlad ma numesc si sunt fondatorul vTrader este un exchange d…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 19, 2020, 09:28:11 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Campania s-a inchis. Multumim de participare. Vom continua cu o campanie mai mar…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 12, 2020, 08:12:19 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Salutare tuturor!Poate că ați mai văzut postări legate de exchange-ul nostru lan…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 09, 2019, 05:38:06 PM | ||
vTrader – Platforma Românească pentru schimb de criptomonede Market
IntroPrincipalul nostru obiectiv este de a face ca interacțiunea dintre utilizat…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | March 01, 2019, 01:31:52 PM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Salut Vlad! Am primit voucher-ul vostru long time ago, mulțumesc.Aș vrea să știu…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | July 04, 2019, 05:03:35 PM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Multumim de incurajare!
n/a | Vlad.Sas | March 10, 2019, 06:54:59 PM | ||
vTrader la Crypto-Vineri cu George Buhnici Presa
Salut! Am facut thread-ul asta ca sa prezint si aici ultimu' episodul din Crypto…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | March 09, 2019, 01:11:27 PM | ||
vTrader, the Romanian crypto exchange platform Services
Is this the same project with is crypto exchange platform to…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 19, 2019, 06:31:11 AM | ||
vTrader, the Romanian crypto exchange platform Services
I've checked out vTrader a little (with free funds from the owner) and it is a p…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 19, 2019, 04:49:49 AM | ||
vTrader, the Romanian crypto exchange platform Services
IntroOur main focus is to make the interaction between the user and the platform…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 17, 2019, 03:07:49 PM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Astăzi am avut oportunitatea să fiu invitat la canal33 și să povestesc despre ex…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 06, 2019, 01:19:36 PM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Salut Vlad.Nu vreau sa par carcotas dar pentru mine e foarte importanta securita…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | February 01, 2019, 01:27:19 PM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Un interviu relevant cu mine și Ike de la Goana După Bitcoin!Lectură plăcută și…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 31, 2019, 11:36:46 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
salut vlad, foarte buna initiativa, dar am o intrebare pentru tine:cum pot sa ac…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 29, 2019, 06:11:24 PM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
[email protected] succes cu acest proiect. Vă mulțumim frumos!
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 23, 2019, 11:27:51 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
50 de vouchere acordate
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 23, 2019, 10:34:00 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
am dat si eu mai sus adresa de mail e [email protected]! Am încercat ș…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 18, 2019, 04:56:13 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Mai sunt vouchere?Da, și o să tot fie o vreme! În total sunt 200. Acordate sunt…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 18, 2019, 04:18:05 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
ok fac cont si eu pentru acesti bani free.Eu folosesc deja bitcoin romania si pl…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 17, 2019, 10:23:03 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
15 Vouchere au fost acordate până în prezent!
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 17, 2019, 07:28:54 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Good job Vlad! I send you one merit as you deserve it. Also do you need some cre…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 16, 2019, 11:11:36 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Nu ma lasa sa-ti trimit mail. Cica tu newbie, eu newbie. Se poate trimite altfel…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 16, 2019, 07:08:34 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
VOUCHERSalut! O sa am nevoie si de email-ul tau ca sa pot sa-ti trimit voucherul…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 16, 2019, 06:55:24 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
[email protected] inregistrat deja pe platforma cu acest email. Pot ofe…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 16, 2019, 03:29:45 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Vlad.Sas cred ca ar trebuie sa pui o regula de genul: "Contul pe bitcointalk sa…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 14, 2019, 04:49:16 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Pentru cei care și-au dat interesul și au pus un feedback util în acest thread,…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 14, 2019, 04:46:06 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
Vlad.Sas cred ca ar trebuie sa pui o regula de genul: "Contul pe bitcointalk sa…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 14, 2019, 04:34:09 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Pentru cei care și-au dat interesul și au pus un feedback util în acest thread,…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 14, 2019, 04:18:56 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Pentru cei care și-au dat interesul și au pus un feedback util în acest thread,…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 13, 2019, 10:18:31 AM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
Reputation is always a funny thing. You can do great things for a long time and…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 12, 2019, 11:47:48 AM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
We're making a plan to create some signature campaigns, but we would like to do…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 12, 2019, 08:46:46 AM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
So when the project will start to move ?I would love to buy crypto with Euro and…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 12, 2019, 08:26:32 AM | ||
Vouchere Cadou: vTrader - Un nou crypto-exchange pe piața din RO Discutii Servicii
[email protected]! Am văzut că ai solicitat voucher-ul pe midav_ura…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 11, 2019, 02:47:54 PM | ||
Feedback Request - Ce monede credeţi că ar mai trebui adăugate pe vTrader? Altcoins (Monede Alternative)
Din cele enumerate de tine XLM ar cam fi singura criptomoneda, poate si ADA.NEO…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 09, 2019, 02:08:16 AM | ||
Feedback Request - Ce monede credeţi că ar mai trebui adăugate pe vTrader? Altcoins (Monede Alternative)
Salutare tuturor! Aş aprecia mult un feedback de la comunitate în legătură cu ce…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 08, 2019, 03:38:34 PM | ||
Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor Română (Romanian)
Salutare! Cea mai buna metoda este sa incarci contul tau de revolut.In pasul urm…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 08, 2019, 04:55:03 AM | ||
vand bitcoin pe EURO / f2f CASH ONLY Market
Salut! Poate te intereseaza sa ii vinzi pe exchange-ul nostru: https://vtrader.i…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 07, 2019, 03:20:44 PM | ||
Plata cu cardul pe CryptoCoin PRO Discutii Servicii
Mare grija cu acest exchange!! Am avut neplacerea de a lucra cu ei, absolut oric…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 07, 2019, 04:21:53 AM | ||
Cum se retrag banii din tranzactionarea cryptomonedelor? Română (Romanian)
Salut. Îți recomand un exchange de crypto românesc, sigur și cu comisioane mici.…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 07, 2019, 04:16:50 AM | ||
Bancile au restrictionat accesul legat de cumpararea sau vanzarea monedelor Română (Romanian)
Salutare! Cea mai buna metoda este sa incarci contul tau de revolut.In pasul urm…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 06, 2019, 12:14:03 PM | ||
Plata cu cardul pe CryptoCoin PRO Discutii Servicii
Inca un exchange romanesc, pot doar sa ma bucur! Cu cat mai multe cu atat mai bi…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 06, 2019, 12:09:27 PM | ||
Cum se retrag banii din tranzactionarea cryptomonedelor? Română (Romanian)
Salut. Îți recomand un exchange de crypto românesc, sigur și cu comisioane mici.…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 06, 2019, 08:11:49 AM | ||
Reglementare crypto currency in Romania Română (Romanian)
Salut,Ma numesc Sas Vlad si pe parcursul ultimilor ani am facut multe demersuri…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 05, 2019, 02:31:02 PM | ||
Vand şi cumpăr Bitcoin in Bucuresti (5 - 500 btc ) Market
Pentru cine doreste sa cumpere bitcoin in Romania, il astept cu drag pe https://…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 05, 2019, 01:43:11 PM | ||
[AM NEVOIE] Cont coinbase, ca sa imi iau Bitcoini. Platesc! Market
Salut. Eu ma numesc Vlad Sas, am 25 ani si sunt fondatorul :…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 05, 2019, 01:36:16 PM | ||
If you want to buy/sell BTC, receive free vouchers, vTrader is the place Currency exchange
Hello guys,I'm posting this here, since i find this to be the right place. I bri…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 05, 2019, 01:20:54 PM | ||
If you want to buy/sell BTC, receive free vouchers, vTrader is the place Currency exchange
Hello guys,I'm posting this here, since i find this to be the right place. I bri…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 05, 2019, 12:53:57 PM | ||
Build cryptocurrency exchange Project Development
I going to build a cryptocurrency exchange, i hope i can looking for some progra…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 05, 2019, 12:39:58 PM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
I don't know but it seems to me the best method to promote a crypto exchange pla…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 04, 2019, 08:54:49 AM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
Any stats on member counts, trades so far etc?Its a pity that a few bad eggs spo…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 04, 2019, 08:45:07 AM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
QuoteSeems like there's a lot of new exchange recently. What makes your exchange…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 04, 2019, 05:41:02 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
QuoteInca nu am verificat contul "full" sa zic asa, am verificat doar mailul si…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 03, 2019, 08:22:05 PM | ||
A fresh new start for Romanian Crypto-Exchanges Project Development
We all know the current Romanian crypto-scandals. It's a bad time to be operatin…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 03, 2019, 08:03:02 PM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
QuoteAm inteles, aruncasem o scurta privire pe platforma (cand ai postat despre…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 03, 2019, 08:20:46 AM | ||
vTrader - A fresh new crypto-exchange Currency exchange
Thank you for your interest in vTrader. Unfortunately, Romanian banks do not wor…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 02, 2019, 09:31:09 AM | ||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Salut si multumim pentru interes. Nu prea seamana cu Changely, e mai degraba un…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 02, 2019, 09:23:18 AM | ||
vTrader - A fresh new crypto-exchange Currency exchange
Hello,I am a 25 years old programmer / entrepreneur.I am and I was attracted to…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 01, 2019, 01:55:02 PM | ||
[CUMPAR] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, etc cu CASH (max 100K EUR), ofer comision bun
[CUMPAR] BITCOIN, ETH, XMR, BCH, etc cu CASH (max 100K EUR), ofer comision bun by n/a
Va recomand Transferati bani de pe Revolut pentru a evita com…
n/a | n/a | |||
vTrader - Un exchange romanesc facut cum trebuie Discutii Servicii
Salutare,Numele meu e Vlad Sas, am 25 de ani si sunt programator/antreprenor.Eu…
n/a | Vlad.Sas | January 01, 2019, 12:32:45 PM |