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Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
Local com electricidade gratuíta Portugal
Sim mas muita gente acha que não serem eles a pagar é igual a gratuita... normal…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | February 09, 2018, 11:33:23 AM | ||
Minerar ou não minerar Portugal
é um jogo de apostas, tem sempre risco, podes simplesmente andar a gastar electr…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 27, 2018, 07:45:35 AM | ||
Saque para Conta Bancaria dentro da SEPA. Portugal
Boa questão, não haverá maneira de provar à Coinbase onde estás a residir? Uma c…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 27, 2018, 07:43:08 AM | ||
Cuidado com Tether (USDT) Vídeo Fernando Ulrich Português (Portuguese)
Nunca toquei nisso, e da primeira vez em que ouvi falar em que iam lançar tal co…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 27, 2018, 07:38:43 AM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
Sim já tinha feito um levantamento no dia anterior e no próprio dia já estava na…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 12, 2018, 07:49:57 AM | ||
Kraken offline?? Português (Portuguese)
Podes acompanhar o estado da cena aqui:á a demorar…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 12, 2018, 07:16:33 AM | ||
Certificados de Conformidade Portugal
É o fabricante ou importador que tem de obter esses certificados junto de uma en…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 10, 2018, 02:28:28 PM | ||
duvida sobre Coinbase Portugal
Permite transferir para Portugal, podes é ter feito asneira na criação da conta…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 10, 2018, 02:27:05 PM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
Este tipo de coisas é que não entendo como podem ser legais, impedir uma transfe…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 10, 2018, 06:35:04 AM | ||
Bitcoin - Euros-Transferencia Portugal
Tens mil tópicos apenas uma ou duas linhas abaixo do teu sobre o mesmo tema...Se…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 09, 2018, 05:48:56 AM | ||
Levantamento de fundos Portugal
Tens a Kraken que é Europeia...
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 08, 2018, 06:28:04 PM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
Ontem apareceu como completada e o moneymoney entrou hoje na conta... na mesma s…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 05, 2018, 10:27:50 AM | ||
Is bitcoin used by criminals ? Bitcoin Discussion
Is money used by criminals ?Fixed it for you
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 05, 2018, 10:25:59 AM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
Coindesk e Coinbase teem investidores em comum, dúvido que daí se consiga alguma…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 03, 2018, 07:06:06 AM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
nop, mas estou aí nuns quantos com outro tanto pessoal na mesma situação, estran…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 02, 2018, 08:02:30 PM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
Nada de novo a reportar, dinheiro continua desaparecido, assim como o suporte da…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | January 01, 2018, 05:10:38 PM | ||
Coinbase - levantamento SEPA Portugal
Sem querer levantar pânico até porque aparentemente algumas pessoas já começaram…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 28, 2017, 06:46:40 AM | ||
O ano dos hard forks Portugal
Boa compilação, e obrigado por partilhares as que já testaste!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 27, 2017, 05:35:36 AM | ||
BTC Dominance Percentage getting lower and lower : < 45% Bitcoin Discussion
I noticed this since coinbase started supporting BCH…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 21, 2017, 10:02:00 AM | ||
BTC gone down today Speculation
Difficulty adjustment yesterday? Plus Gdax trading today, pumped BCash like craz…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 19, 2017, 07:58:35 PM | ||
Ethereum - Será o início do fim do bitcoin? Portugal
já foi repetido demasiadas vezes este tópico, sempre que ETH tem um pico isto ve…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 19, 2017, 09:39:22 AM | ||
Why did the Altcoins skirocket at 16 december 2017? Altcoin Discussion
I think people are just looking for other ways to profit since Bitcoin has hit a…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 19, 2017, 09:37:29 AM | ||
Será boa ideia eu transferir os meus bitcoins do Kraken para o Coinbase e depois…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 13, 2017, 05:20:39 PM | ||
Bitcoin has dropped 1000 USD today13 December 2017 Speculation
The universal answer to this topic (for any crypto really)"Look again"
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 13, 2017, 05:17:26 PM | ||
Minerar ou não minerar Portugal
Esperar que as altcoins venham a valer tanto quanto a Bitcoin é como esperar que…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 11, 2017, 04:03:03 AM | ||
HITBTC & MicroMoney SCAM: Sou novo em criptomoedas e já tomei meu primeiro golpe Português (Portuguese)
nunca tive stress na Poloniex...
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 10, 2017, 08:18:51 AM | ||
Bolha estourou agora é a hora certa de vender tudo nada mais pode ser feito Português (Portuguese)
sim e todos ao mesmo tempo de preferência, façam o favor de avisar quando o fore…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 10, 2017, 08:16:15 AM | ||
Bitcoin Futures/Wall St. Bitcoin Discussion
right rightSo the same guys making the bets would never buy bitcoin during the d…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 08, 2017, 12:35:18 PM | ||
Minerar ou não minerar Portugal
O que pode compensar é minar alts, mas é lotaria, tanto pode compensar como ter…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 08, 2017, 12:32:41 PM | ||
PLEASE HELP!!!! Where can I sell 104 Bitcoins FAST Face to FACE In CASH Currency exchange
You are asking for troubleIf you need help to move/convert the bitcoins this is…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 06, 2017, 10:21:12 AM | ||
Recuperar HDD onde corri bitcoin client em 2010 Portugal
Quando estava mais ligado a IT no passado sempre usei "GetDataBack" da Runtime S…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 06, 2017, 03:00:47 AM | ||
Bitcoin Are Now Used in Crimes Bitcoin Discussion
On a unrelated news, money is being used for crime, fraud, and so on since the t…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 05, 2017, 04:32:54 AM | ||
Transfer My Entire Savings to Cryptocurrencies? Trading Discussion
Don't put all your eggs in the same basket, serves for everything, cryptos and s…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 04, 2017, 06:07:13 AM | ||
EUA ordenam a revelação de identidade de 14 mil usuários de bitcoins Português (Portuguese)
Isso já não é novo... ou é outro pedido recente?!Que eu me lembre a Coinbase de…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 03, 2017, 08:22:08 AM | ||
Fundo Hedge de US$ 100 Bilhões vai investir em Bitcoins Português (Portuguese)
A volatilidade vai continuar alta enquanto o market cap for baixo... ainda é mui…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 03, 2017, 08:20:56 AM | ||
Bitcoin Cash Over 3000$ Speculation (Altcoins)
There are more interesting alternatives to Bcash, or Bgold... or even most of th…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 03, 2017, 08:19:19 AM | ||
Coinbase fechou minha conta... Português (Portuguese)
tinha a conta com limites altos (bilhete identidade, carta condução ou afins?)
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 01, 2017, 02:37:30 PM | ||
McDonalds to accept Bitcoin by 2018 Bitcoin Discussion
too soon, at least for bitcoin, maybe Lightcoin or some other fast network coin
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 01, 2017, 02:34:59 PM | ||
Telegram users beware! Bitcoin Discussion
could be an botnet spreading fud/fomo to try and jungle the market for day tradi…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | December 01, 2017, 02:33:16 PM | ||
Bitcoin will fall down on december Speculation
I keep checking prices/volumes waiting for the dip, but everything keeps going u…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 29, 2017, 06:07:28 AM | ||
Bitcoin US$ 10 Mil Português (Portuguese)
ai onde já vão os 10k
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 29, 2017, 05:37:32 AM | ||
China & $10K Bitcoin Bitcoin Discussion
it is a valid point, since they didn't ban mining, or hardware manufacturing rel…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 27, 2017, 05:30:31 AM | ||
Algumas dúvidas cruéis sobre bitcoin Português (Portuguese)
O pessoal já explicou o básico, neste momento funciona mais como "ouro" do que c…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 27, 2017, 04:51:51 AM | ||
gerando bitcoins Português (Portuguese)
aaaah se soubesse na altura o que sei agora! (deve ser das frases mais ditas/pen…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 26, 2017, 06:07:31 PM | ||
why this pump ?? Speculation
Maybe fomo for the 10k mark! but I'm personally expecting a big dip at any point…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 26, 2017, 06:05:09 PM | ||
3,8 Milhões de Bitcoins Estão Perdidos para Sempre Português (Portuguese)
não é mau, até é bom para não aparecem uma enxurrada de BTCs de uma só vez vindo…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 26, 2017, 10:03:46 AM | ||
poloniex com andas? Melhorou? Português (Portuguese)
é onde tenho a maior parte do portfólio e onde em geral faço mais trades, para l…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 26, 2017, 10:02:13 AM | ||
Are you surprise by bitcoin price now? Bitcoin Discussion
Was surprised mid 2017, now I'm expecting great things ahead :d
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 25, 2017, 10:53:14 AM | ||
Operação Dragon Slayer? Português (Portuguese)
Fonix só pode ser fake, demasiado funny para ser verdade
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 24, 2017, 09:30:29 AM | ||
Moedas digitais: regulamentar ou não? Convidado: Fernando Ulrich Português (Portuguese)
Será complicado chegar a um ponto em que todos fiquem satisfeitos, mas uma taxa…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 24, 2017, 09:24:16 AM | ||
Another Bitcoin Hardfork Altcoin Discussion
Oh great another one, let me add this to the list...
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 23, 2017, 03:13:38 PM | ||
Computador quântico da IBM - Fim de Mining e Bitcoin? Português (Portuguese)
a verdade é que quando um computador for realmente capaz de fazer isso, cryptos…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 21, 2017, 10:51:10 AM | ||
$8000+ is here. This rise has left behind lots of wounded... Bitcoin Discussion
Maybe a small dip before rampaging to 10k, keep an eye out for the next few week…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 20, 2017, 06:46:39 AM | ||
Bitcoin já é mais de 8 mil... Português (Portuguese)
Continuo a acreditar nos 10k antes do fim de Dezembro!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 20, 2017, 06:45:40 AM | ||
Intercâmbio do Brasil para Coimbra, Portugal Portugal
Depende também de onde fizeres depois a venda/transferê qualquer maneir…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 19, 2017, 02:29:24 PM | ||
Taxas / fees Português (Portuguese)
para quantias baixas não há muita volta a dar em relação às taxas...
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 19, 2017, 02:25:51 PM | ||
Conta bancária bloqueada Portugal
Já agora, independentemente do problemas com os bancos, como é que o localbitcoi…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 17, 2017, 07:05:59 AM | ||
Conta bancária bloqueada Portugal
Primeiro agradeço a vossa disponibilidade em partilhar estas informações, pode a…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 17, 2017, 05:15:39 AM | ||
SegWit2x Vai acontecer sim??? Português (Portuguese)
Não deve afectar o normal funcionamento, e o mais provável é que com pouco supor…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 17, 2017, 05:02:59 AM | ||
Bitcoin Silver Fork - December Altcoin Discussion
Reserving the name "bitcoin copper" for future usage, I will decide when it is a…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 17, 2017, 05:00:40 AM | ||
será que o btc chega aos 5.000 dolares Português (Portuguese)
Próxima meta será os 10k! talvez antes de Janeiro!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 16, 2017, 04:31:50 AM | ||
Wake up before it is too late Bitcoin Discussion
Insane Fees , weeks to receive a transactions.Core version of Bitcoin is Broken!…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 15, 2017, 07:47:44 AM | ||
Show me one TECHNICAL advantage of Bitcoin Bitcoin Discussion
It seems you already know all the answers and are just trying to get some point…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 15, 2017, 05:14:49 AM | ||
BTC Mining vs Buying Bitcoin Discussion
For BTC I would say buying, but look into mining other coins other than BTC for…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 15, 2017, 05:09:35 AM | ||
Como vc divide o seu Portfólio? Criptomoedas Alternativas
50% em obrigações tesouro30% btc15% alts5% prazo
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 14, 2017, 05:20:02 AM | ||
He was counting on the ALL CAPS to be persuasive enough
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 13, 2017, 05:52:45 PM | ||
Longo tempo de espera para depositar dinheiro na KRAKEN Portugal
das que já fiz tive sempre que confirmar o nome/id mas foi sempre rapido e ser r…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 13, 2017, 01:05:22 PM | ||
Vender btc Portugal
de que zona és? manda mensagem priv
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 13, 2017, 01:03:19 PM | ||
my choice has been Monero and is has not failed me yet
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 13, 2017, 06:41:31 AM | ||
Will Bitcoin Cash replace Bitcoin?? Altcoin Discussion
I prefer to ignore these discussions, and instead profit from the FOMO they crea…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 12, 2017, 04:07:25 AM | ||
WHAT is Happening with BCH?? Speculation (Altcoins)
thanks for the pump/dump!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 12, 2017, 04:05:30 AM | ||
agora já era só resta despejar os BTC Português (Portuguese)
cash ja ultrapassou o Ethereum !mais 1 dia nesse ritmo passa o btcé cara já era…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 12, 2017, 04:01:05 AM | ||
BITCOIN dando lugar para o BCH e BTG? Português (Portuguese)
Pump and dump, já desapareceram 20b do market cap desde o início desta "brincade…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 12, 2017, 03:59:53 AM | ||
Bitcoin Cash is the real BTC and you need to figure it out before it's too late Altcoin Discussion
yes looks very legit
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 11, 2017, 03:27:05 PM | ||
is it risky to turn all my money to bitcoins? Bitcoin Discussion
how much are you willing to lose, put that into crypto, if you can't lose anythi…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 10, 2017, 09:37:53 AM | ||
Btc down, everything down... Speculation
The fork hype is gone, many turning back to alts and many more jumping out for f…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 10, 2017, 09:36:36 AM | ||
The Failure of SegWit2x Shows Bitcoin is Digital Gold, Not a Better PayPal Bitcoin Discussion
Still a long way to go, and eventually Bitcoin will be upgraded to be more "usab…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 10, 2017, 09:35:40 AM | ||
Possibilidade de banimento de comercialização de bitcoin no Brasil Português (Portuguese)
imposto parece ser a mais provável, não só no Brasil, mas em todo o lado eventua…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 10, 2017, 09:32:18 AM | ||
Did you ever convince or encourage someone to invest in Bitcoin? Bitcoin Discussion
I would never do that, I can let them know what is happening in crypto, but I wo…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 10, 2017, 07:06:25 AM | ||
Coinbase or Localbitcoins or... Bitcoin Discussion
Kraken is a good choice for Euro conversion
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 09, 2017, 07:05:10 AM | ||
Bitcoin tem Potencial para Chegar em US$ 1 Milhão Português (Portuguese)
isso só vai acontecer quando o BTC começar a ser mais útil, tipo para pagamentos…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 09, 2017, 04:25:15 AM | ||
Atenção SegWit2x é Cancelado Português (Portuguese)
a ver vamos para quando o próximo fork...
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 08, 2017, 01:15:08 PM | ||
Segwit2x is dead, long live Bitcoin Bitcoin Discussion
long live bitcoin!Lots of action on every front now!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 08, 2017, 12:45:17 PM | ||
Bitcoin no Jornal da Globo 06/11/17 Português (Portuguese)
Em portugal tivemos ainda piores, sempre a ligar a cenas obscuras, como se isso…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 08, 2017, 04:14:01 AM | ||
Disappointed with Banks Bitcoin Discussion
in about 30 min I opened a bank account, got a temporary debit and a credit card…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 08, 2017, 04:08:56 AM | ||
Bitcoin Price Will Jump To USD $10,000 Dollars By 25 December Speculation
Where do we place our bets?! Don't think 10k is in reach this year but 2018 yea…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 07, 2017, 01:49:08 PM | ||
Bitcoin a US$ 11.000 em 2018? Português (Portuguese)
primeiro ver os efeitos do fork, e depois se verá o que nos espera (long winter?…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 07, 2017, 10:20:46 AM | ||
ICO standard for absolute investor protection ?? Altcoin Discussion
good idea, but who would enforce? Local authorities?
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 06, 2017, 05:53:09 AM | ||
Will Bitcoin overcome Paypal? Bitcoin Discussion
these are two different things, can't really compare, but paypal accepting crypt…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 06, 2017, 05:51:42 AM | ||
ICO tugas [PROCURAM-SE] Portugal
distancia de ICOs não kero nada com nenhuma
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 05, 2017, 04:05:57 PM | ||
GDAX versus Bitfinex versus Kraken versus other exchanges Service Discussion
whenever human behavior is involved things are unpredictable.What he said!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 05, 2017, 08:26:01 AM | ||
Qual a espectativa de preço após o Fork do 2x? Português (Portuguese)
Queda, mas a confusão de esperar pelo resultado do fork pode atrasar um bocado,…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 04, 2017, 02:55:38 PM | ||
Paper wallet Português (Portuguese)
Não esquecer de criar backups de tudo o que for importante, é bom segurança mas…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 04, 2017, 10:24:19 AM | ||
100.000 new coinbase users in 24 hours. Bitcoin Discussion
every time there is a bump in the bitcoin price that happens!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 04, 2017, 10:20:11 AM | ||
Alarming details about CENTRA TECH Altcoin Discussion
no surprise there!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 02, 2017, 03:40:12 AM | ||
A China e Bitcoin Português (Portuguese)
FUD invertido!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 02, 2017, 03:38:32 AM | ||
The WORST ICO of 2017? Never forget. Altcoin Discussion
too many to keep track, I mostly just ignore ICOs, sure I could be losing great…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 01, 2017, 06:49:40 AM | ||
Conta Hackeada Português (Portuguese)
vou mudar cenaitas tb, isto agora anda mato!
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | November 01, 2017, 06:47:22 AM | ||
Bitcoin just jumped $200, and then dumped $100... Speculation
"look again" - by Morpheus in "The Matrix"
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | October 31, 2017, 09:59:28 AM | ||
Converter BTC em Euros Regularmente Portugal
Coinbase, Kraken, a única coisa que evito é transferencias muito grandes, de res…
n/a | Voice-Of-Reason | October 31, 2017, 05:46:57 AM |