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Content | Score | Started by | Date posted | ||
SRBMiner-MULTI AMD & NVIDIA & INTEL & CPU miner Mining (Altcoins)
hi, mine only ravencoi I have no problems, if I insert the second zilliqa I can'…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 17, 2024, 02:56:00 PM | ||
Dual mining raven / zil Mining (Altcoins)
Hi everyone, can anyone help me to best configure the worksheet to mine your rav…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 17, 2024, 04:14:49 AM | ||
Malfunctioned 3080lhr hiveos Mining (Altcoins)
I tried the 510 but from problems as I said I went back to the 470.86 to make it…
n/a | Woodoo8 | June 01, 2022, 03:08:34 PM | ||
Malfunctioned 3080lhr hiveos Mining (Altcoins)
I had updated the nvidia drivers, they are the ones that crashed the 3080 so I w…
n/a | Woodoo8 | June 01, 2022, 12:33:48 PM | ||
Malfunctioned 3080lhr hiveos Mining (Altcoins)
I tried to put it under another rig and it works it seems like the new 510 drive…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 31, 2022, 04:59:19 AM | ||
Malfunctioned 3080lhr hiveos Mining (Altcoins)
before I got the 3080 I had about 6 580, having full pci I removed a 580 and I p…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 31, 2022, 03:49:06 AM | ||
Malfunctioned 3080lhr hiveos Mining (Altcoins)
hello everyone, I connected the 3080lhr to the rig, I use hiveos, I updated the…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 31, 2022, 02:54:33 AM | ||
3080ti Mining (Altcoins) |
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 17, 2022, 04:26:31 AM | ||
Invalid hiveos rx580 8gb Mining (Altcoins)
Hello everyone, I'm undermining eth with 4 rx580 8gb, on a particular card I hav…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 26, 2022, 05:00:37 AM | ||
Does buying rx580 8gb make sense? Mining (Altcoins)
Hi guys, I already have 6 rx580 8gb that undermine eth, does it make sense to bu…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 07, 2022, 01:34:18 PM | ||
Problem not leader vga Mining (Altcoins)
yeah guys, new updates crash tabs. jo installed hiveos and it works but with som…
n/a | Woodoo8 | January 22, 2022, 09:58:02 AM | ||
Problem not leader vga Mining (Altcoins)
Hi guys, i have a problem with a rig consisting of 6 rx 580 8gb. the pc had cras…
n/a | Woodoo8 | January 20, 2022, 07:42:32 PM | ||
Which crypto to mine after ETH2 Mining (Altcoins)
Hi guys, after ETH2 which currency do you think it would be convenient to mine?
n/a | Woodoo8 | December 27, 2021, 02:55:10 AM | ||
Crash internet line mining Mining (Altcoins)
hi, i have ethermine with phoenix, so do you recommend hive os? does it work bet…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 07, 2021, 03:41:59 AM | ||
Crash linea internet Mining (Italiano)
Ciao a tutti, vi è mai capitato che il rig vi manda in palla la linea internet?…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 07, 2021, 12:57:24 AM | ||
Crash internet line mining Mining (Altcoins)
hi everyone, is it possible that the rig with 5 rx580 crashes the internet line?…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 07, 2021, 12:54:39 AM | ||
Problem mining ethermine Mining (Altcoins)
I agree with you, better earn something less but they always go. today it did no…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 03, 2021, 12:58:06 AM | ||
Problema minerario etermina Mining (Altcoins)
Guys thank you so much you were very kind! now i set as said by Batsonxl meanwhi…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 02, 2021, 11:09:35 AM | ||
Problem mining ethermine Mining (Altcoins)
The pool doesn't have the power to crash your rig, I mine with phoenix miner + e…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 02, 2021, 09:35:49 AM | ||
Problem mining ethermine Mining (Altcoins)
Hello everyone, I'm undermining eth on ethermine with phenix, it's been three da…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 02, 2021, 08:14:30 AM | ||
Problem in Ethermine Mining (Altcoins)
Hello everyone, I'm undermining eth on ethermine with phenix, it's been three da…
n/a | Woodoo8 | May 02, 2021, 08:11:23 AM | ||
580 8gb hash bassissimo 7.80 Mining (Italiano)
Salve a tutti, ho attaccato una 580 gb 8 e segna 7.80 come hash, abbiamo provato…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 05, 2021, 08:36:05 AM | ||
Hash della transazione Italiano (Italian)
Siccome ho sbagliato un numero del tag mentre stavo facendo un giro da un mio pf…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 01, 2021, 08:58:42 AM | ||
Hash della transazione Italiano (Italian)
Ciao a tutti, siccome ho fatto un giro di XrP, dove posso trovare l'hash della t…
n/a | Woodoo8 | April 01, 2021, 08:04:23 AM | || Service Discussion
Thanks bitmaxz..
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 24, 2021, 09:19:06 AM | || Service Discussion
hello, has anyone already shopped on this site? are they reliable?
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 24, 2021, 08:59:19 AM | ||
Mentre trasferisci da portafoglio sbagli? Italiano (Italian)
Esatto proprio così è successo, ah, quindi il wallet alla fine non è importante…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 21, 2021, 03:18:09 AM | ||
Mentre trasferisci da portafoglio sbagli? Italiano (Italian)
Buongiorno, se uno trasferisce cripto da portafoglio a portafoglio, inserisci co…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 20, 2021, 03:31:50 PM | ||
Mentre trasferisci da portafoglio sbagli? Italiano (Italian)
Buongiorno, se uno trasferisce cripto da portafoglio a portafoglio, inserisci co…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 20, 2021, 12:14:50 PM | || Truffa?! Italiano (Italian)
Buongiorno a tutti, il 15 di marzo ho effettuato un giro di XRP da Bitstamp a Cr…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 20, 2021, 03:08:06 AM | || Truffa?! Italiano (Italian)
Si è corretto adesso provo a cercare anche quel supporto anche se già dall'app c…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 20, 2021, 11:34:57 AM | ||
Aiuto ad un novizio Mining (Italiano)
L'accumulatote nonché Tesla della situazione non cambia, se chiede corrente il r…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 12, 2021, 06:48:58 AM | ||
Aiuto ad un novizio Mining (Italiano)
Diciamo che ho corrente a gratis Questo mi incuriosisce parecchio. In che senso…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 12, 2021, 03:18:41 AM | ||
Aiuto ad un novizio Mining (Italiano)
ciao, io pensavo a n°3 6900 xt, problemi per averno non ne avrei, come vi sembra…
n/a | Woodoo8 | March 01, 2021, 10:02:37 AM | ||
Aiuto ad un novizio Mining (Italiano)
Buongiorno a tutti, chiedo aiuto per acquistare prodotti corretti per mettere in…
n/a | Woodoo8 | February 26, 2021, 05:54:34 AM | ||
Quale scheda video per minare btc Mining (Italiano)
Diciamo che ho due rx 580 quali altcoin vanno per la maggiore minare adesso?Per…
n/a | Woodoo8 | September 09, 2019, 06:52:51 AM | ||
Quale scheda video per minare btc Mining (Italiano)
Diciamo che ho due rx 580 quali altcoin vanno per la maggiore minare adesso?
n/a | Woodoo8 | September 07, 2019, 01:27:20 AM | ||
Quale scheda video per minare btc Mining (Italiano)
Buonasera a tutti, quali schede video vanno bene per minare bitcoin?
n/a | Woodoo8 | September 03, 2019, 05:15:09 PM | ||
App wallet ed investimenti Trading, analisi e speculazione
Buongiorno ragazzi, sono un novizio, ho scaricato Bitstamp, creato il mio profil…
n/a | Woodoo8 | September 01, 2019, 04:12:51 AM |