Maybe the Core bitcoin will crash to the $1. But not the Classic bitcoin if it is supported by majority of miners and service providers.
Technically there is no 'Core' or 'Classic' Bitcoin in that case. The original implementation has fragmented and is no more. I'd say that what you're left is are two altcoins.
Bitcoin halfing is coming up in the very near future and will result in a doubling of the BTC exchange rate. With the sudden jump speculators will pile on and we'll see $1100 no problem.
What are you basing this on? There's a decent chance that nothing will happen to the price.
I will buy bitcoins for $1 each after you and your Core supporters crash the market and then wait for the next new moon!
Go ahead, you will buy a bunch of worthless coins that nobody is ever going to touch apart from a small niche market (e.g. most of current altcoins).
Lauda is doomsday whispering again.. he doesnt accept bitcoin physics. that words like orphans exist.
and that if consensus is not reached orphans will rejoin the chain to current rules because lack of consensus obviously means not having enough nodes or hash to push forward. because no consensus means there is obviously hash power to fight against pushing forward.. meaning those trying to push forward will eventually get orphaned , even if it doesnt happen for multiple confirmations, it will happen. so those pushing forward would need to back peddle down to smaller blocks* to ensure they get to spend their winnings or be left hashing blocks that eventually become unspendable.
remember that even implementations with a 2000000 rule can still accept blocks that are just 250bytes to 0.999mb, its not a rule to only accept blocks over 1mb.
* still having the 2000000 setting as a buffer, but only making blocks under 1mb
if consensus is reached then the future rules take over as they obviously have the nodes and hash power to overtake permenently and the old rule nodes cant catch up obviously because they dont have enough nodes or hash power to keep ahead... wasting hash power on blocks that will never get accepted as they are left behind and so they have to upgrade or be left behind.
the worse that can happen is even if consensus is set to
.. if the old rule crew dont start persuading themselves at even that things might change.. and get ready for it before true consensus is reached.. then by the time real consensus is reached at the higher levels and they still havnt took precautions to protect themselves by upgrading.. then THEY will be the cause of being left behind, unable to sync.
smarter people than lauda put words like 'orphans' 'hashpower' 'stales' 'consensus' into scenarios.. lauda and his motly crew just put 'blockstream for the win, anything else is a nuclear bomb' into a lame scenario that lacks logic.
same thing can be said for segwit.. if consensus is reached and old fullnodes havnt upgraded. they are reduced to compatible nodes. they become 'compatible nodes' receiving pay2anyone transactions that are meaningless to them, and are blindly relaying it on.
and even sipa has said its peoples own fault for not upgrading if things move forward due to consensus.
the funny part is that lauda wants people to upgrade to have segwit ready BEFORE miner consensus.. but doesnt follow the same logic for other non blockstream features.