forum:Announcements (Altcoins) from: 2017-08-15 15:59 to: 2017-08-16 06:231 [ANN] [XMG] MAGI | CPU mining | mPoW | mPoS | [MagiPay]starmman (5) 16:36,16:41
ex33s (4) 17:10
goldlabel (5) 17:22,17:24,20:33,20:34,20:37
111magic (11) 17:46,17:53,18:11,18:16, 2:49, 2:52, 5:09
carlisle1 (4) 1:50
joelao95 (11) 4:33, 5:42, 5:43
Lightsplasher (4) 5:27
2 [ANN] WiC | Monetizing WiFi Sharing | Developed Technology | Token Sale SoonBlazed (11) 22:15,23:30
Lambo06 (4) 22:38, 3:28, 4:14, 4:24, 5:05
Stroto (4) 22:45
minerjones (11) 22:52
imjustsayintho (4) 0:40, 0:42, 0:43, 4:51, 4:52
Coin_trader (4) 2:10
kashish948 (11) 4:20, 4:57
chichidori (5) 4:43
qiwoman2 (11) 4:59
3 [ANN][ICO] Minexcoin - A new era of payments (ICO closed!) (4) 16:06
luksbit (4) 17:22
ije07 (4) 17:27
cakir (11) 18:08,20:50,20:57
silvestar (5) 19:42
vlom (5) 21:20
Deathwing (11) 21:22,21:40
aisyah88 (4) 21:47
Flunder707 (4) 22:54
JoePhoenix (4) 0:42 (4) 1:07
hesdeadjim (4) 3:45, 4:02
peterlustig (4) 5:03
4 ★★★ Hodbo ★★★ Building Unlimited Internet - ICO IS LIVE (25% Bonus Today)BigKush (4) 4:55, 4:59, 5:02, 5:05, 5:08, 5:11, 5:14, 5:17, 5:20, 5:23, 5:26, 5:29, 5:32, 5:35, 5:38, 5:42, 5:45, 5:48, 5:51, 5:54, 5:57, 6:00, 6:03, 6:06, 6:09
5 [ANN][XCN] Cryptonite - NEW Thread! | 1st mini-blockchain coin | BOUNTIES!antantti (5) 17:26,20:30,21:04,22:12
pallas (11) 18:30,19:21,21:41
reb0rn21 (11) 19:50,20:09
_javi_ (4) 20:13,20:20,23:17
bitpotter (4) 20:20
?[ANN][ICO][28.08] BeOne - Blockchain revolutionizes education!Waldozaur12 (5) 16:18,16:59,19:55,20:06,20:09,20:11,20:12,20:29,20:34,20:39, 5:44 (4) 16:38
tazmantasik (5) 17:36
clixcoin (5) 18:48
thebatletbet (4) 20:31
mrongoz_imut (5) 21:31
7 [ANN] Bitcoin Cash - Fork 1:1 of Bitcoin (airdrop) - Pro on-chain scalingbitcircle (5) 17:44
DieJohnny (11) 18:50,21:14
matt4054 (11) 21:03
Mrpumperitis (5) 21:50,23:04, 0:32, 1:09, 1:45, 2:30, 3:56, 4:12
darkx3 (4) 23:25, 0:09, 0:15, 0:46, 0:48, 1:13, 1:44, 1:51, 2:35
Servantes (4) 23:50, 0:08, 0:14, 0:41, 0:48
9 [ANN] MOBILEGO Crowdfund [$53 Million] - Decentralized Mobile Gaming SolutionsRumhurius (11) 16:41
dranster (4) 17:32
Turing (4) 18:51,19:26
gpools (4) 19:15,19:45
AltcoinScamfinder (5) 19:16,20:25
Freaks (5) 19:41
malekbaba (5) 20:02,20:17
mcfom (5) 20:06
carlisle1 (4) 1:53
10 BYTEBALL: Totally new consensus algorithm + private untraceable paymentszxbball (4) 16:25
neurotypical (5) 18:10,23:37
rigel (11) 18:59
Iranus (4) 22:38
Michail1 (11) 23:32,23:38,23:46
11 [ANN][DAO]
? The Movement | Unstoppable Organisation | Airdropvinipoars (4) 16:53
paramind22 (4) 17:12
instacalm (5) 17:27
Jack Liver (11) 17:29
bitcircle (5) 17:41
dinc (4) 18:17
testadimerlo (4) 19:14
vlom (5) 21:16
yesiam6 (4) 21:16
TimeTeller (4) 22:44
bob75coin (5) 23:36
rindo (5) 5:45
12 [ANN][PLACO] |PlayerCoin |ICO Soon! | REAL PROOF OF PLAY!blackice2013 (4) 16:03,16:13,16:44,16:46,16:47,16:59,17:28,17:38,17:42,18:44,19:14,21:19
bspus (11) 19:53
13 [ANN] TIMEREUM: First manually mined smart contract token. ADDRESS COLLECTIONMrrr (4) 19:48,21:35
Freaks (5) 20:00
bitpotter (4) 20:05
cryptodv (5) 20:34
@Hakermania@ (4) 23:27
Ingramtg (5) 23:32
Adriano2010 (4) 0:01
shinep (4) 1:43
alicea (5) 5:31
smokim87 (5) 5:47
Mkmanik (4) 5:49
rz20 (5) 5:51
14 [ANN][Datacoin] Datacoin blockchain start announcement (Minor code upd + logo)cryptrol (5) 16:06,16:35
Chicago (4) 16:26,16:49
MarcusDe (5) 16:39
gjhiggins (11) 17:07,18:38,21:04
cryptoholic11 (4) 1:51, 3:24
16 Bitcloud 2.0 - BTDX - PoS3 - Masternode - Quark - 1:1 snapshot from old one -metamorphin (5) 21:30,21:33,22:26
Limx Dev (11) 22:01
GREEDYJOHN (11) 22:14,23:09
17 WAVES. Ultimate crypto-tokens blockchain platform.mxxxxxx (11) 16:36
Turing (4) 16:56,17:42
testadimerlo (4) 17:50
OrangeP (4) 22:16
qgmurugan007 (4) 1:19
subG (4) 1:31
shinep (4) 1:39
Andrey123 (4) 3:17
tiCeR (4) 4:53
18 Tezos discussionvinipoars (4) 17:08
keithers (11) 18:22
WastedLTC (5) 19:14,19:23,19:24
chesthing (11) 21:04
franc0 (4) 21:18
19 [ANN] United SciFi Coin [SCIFI] PoW/PoSvampirus (4) 17:15,17:15,17:55,19:41
olkah (4) 17:19,17:39
ex_mac (4) 18:33
kondiomir (11) 22:45
octavarium (4) 23:37
20 [ANN] PROPY - Global Property Store with Decentralized Title Registryjets567 (4) 16:26, 2:21, 5:58
jacaf01 (4) 19:04
Dr Charles (11) 21:08, 0:11
shinep (4) 1:35
21 ![Huh](
?[ANN-Presale-ICO] ATLANT Worlds Real Estate Blockchain Platform?![Huh](
avirdoz (11) 16:38,22:37
Frogman (5) 18:17,22:15
franc0 (4) 0:10
tiCeR (4) 4:51
22 [ANN][ICO] SONM: Supercomputer Organized by Network Miningcabron (4) 17:21, 5:04
tazmantasik (5) 17:47
BTCBusinessConsult (4) 17:50
abonarea (5) 17:56
memii (5) 18:02
matsud2 (4) 19:37
Freaks (5) 19:55
gpools (4) 3:00
23 [ANN] POPULOUS - Invoice trading platform | ICO l BOUNTY CAMPAIGNBTCBusinessConsult (4) 17:41
tuvok007 (5) 18:24
denam (4) 18:33
jooj (4) 23:24
LaBlanj (4) 23:49
tiCeR (4) 4:56
dihari (4) 5:47
qiwoman2 (11) 6:02
24 [ANN][LAT] LATIUM is now live - 5 FREE LATIUM Coinsadamgud (5) 18:16,18:44
amacar1 (4) 20:00,21:15,21:20,21:58
bitpotter (4) 20:02
cijulangboy (4) 3:15
ranggawulung (5) 4:37
25 [ANN][DASH] Dash ( | First Self-Funding Self-Governing Crypto CurrencyK~Ehleyr (4) 16:35,16:46,20:59
qwizzie (11) 16:35
MasterMined710 (11) 17:16
fakecryptsynagger (4) 17:23