What percentage of funds are kept in cold storage?
Do you intend to provide 2-factor authentication?
What is cold storage? I have heard the terms hot wallet elsewhere, what are these two ?
Hot wallet is the one which is hosted on computer with internet connection. Simple like the bitcoin client you have installed on your computer which is connected to internet and you are using it for your daily transactions or your blockchain.info account which is hosted there for you buy blockchain.info so that you can use it any time you want. It is convenient to have such wallet as you can use them for your transactions instantly. Same as rupees in your wallet. You can use them instantly.
But this wallet are highly vulnerable to security risks and thefts. Same as your current Indian rupees wallet. So what you will do to resolve this, you will place your most of rupees in some isolated place where it is difficult for any one to find it or steal it. With bitcoins to resolve this issue you can take backup of your wallet.dat ( Your wallet ) in encrypted drive ( optional but highly recommended ), or on paper using some paper wallet generator ( You can use blockchain.info or Armory for this ) and store them in some safe place. Such wallets are known as offline wallets as normally they are stored in manner where they are not connected directly with internet.
I hope this helps