минимальный уставной капитал 2500 eur, при учреждении компании сразу можно не вносить. Пайщики и члены правленья должны предоставить справки о несудимости. Это основные требования.
Так же компания в которой нет резидентов ЭР, должна иметь контактное лицо. На оказание данной услуги у нас так же имеется лицензия.
https://www.riigiteataja.ee/en/eli/ee/Riigikogu/act/519122017001/consolide § 631.
Contact person (1) An undertaking, including a foreign company that has a branch in Estonia, may designate a person to whom the procedural documents of the undertaking and the declarations of intent addressed to the undertaking may be delivered in Estonia (hereinafter contact person). Upon delivery of a procedural document or declaration of intent to the contact person, the respective procedural document or declaration of intent is deemed to have been delivered also to the undertaking.
(2) If the management board of a company or a body substituting therefor is located in a foreign state, the company must designate a contact person specified in subsection (1) of this section. In such case, only a notary, notary's office, advocate, law office, sworn auditor, audit firm, tax representative of a non-resident for the purposes of the Taxation Act or a trust and
company service provider specified in § 8 of the Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Prevention Act may be designated a contact person. The address of the contact person shall be considered the address of the company in such case.
(3) If a member of the management board or a body substituting therefor, the partner, shareholder or procuratorof a company has a residence in Estonia, one of the persons specified in the same section may be designated a contact person specified in subsection (2) of this section.
(4) Unless the residence of at least one-half of the managers of the branch of a foreign company is in Estonia, in another Member State of the European Economic Area or in the Swiss Confederation, the foreign company shall designate the person specified in subsection (1) of this section.
(5) The name or business name, personal identification code or registry code, residence or registered office, and address of the contact person, and the Estonian address for delivery of the procedural documents of the undertaking and the declarations of intent addressed to the undertaking shall be submitted to the commercial register. The digitally signed or notarised consent of the contact person for his or her entry in the commercial register as the contact person is also submitted to the registrar.