when you are just starting up or trying to familiarize everything, it isnt necessary to be all but it would really be helpful into your career on knowing even with the basic terms and indicators which you would really be encountering everyday.
Yeah, there are multiple benefits a beginner could enjoy out of demo account rather than directly kicking off with real account. People are always concerning about emotional thing in demo practice but only just because of that, we should not downgrade the purpose of going for demo trading.
Demo trading must be very good for testing all your strategies and technical parts. To get familiarize all the market environments, I believe we cannot get anything better than demo trading.
These days people are working hard to get "likes" on instagram/tiktok, similarly why not we put all our efforts to increase those fake money so that we could gain the actual experience of trading? It is all about how you are approaching. If you treat your trading more valuable like it could support you for leaving then we will start with the demo trading like how you are going to be caring your live trading in future.
Nothing will come to day-to-day routine suddenly; first you need to practice, for that demo will help you definitely.