Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for contacting GoDaddy's Domain Name Abuse Department.
Unfortunately we cannot assist you with this issue through this department.
GoDaddy does not allow illegal content on our customer's websites. However, as a Registrar, it is not our place to determine if the site you have mentioned is actually engaging in illegal activities. GoDaddy suggests reporting your issue to IC3 via their File a Complaint page. The Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3) is a partnership between the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the National White Collar Crime Center (NW3C) who accepts online Internet crime complaints filed by a person who believes they were defrauded.
GoDaddy regularly works with courts and law enforcement from the local to the international level and has a long-standing history of cooperation with these groups. Should we receive notification from these groups in regards to this issue we will be able to work with them on the matter.
Domain Name Abuse
Hotline: 480-624-2505
ARID 1028
Reported to IC3.
I got the same reply.Reporting them to IC3 right,now!
Great work guys. Fuck people like this.