I'm glad you mentioned science - science is limited to our limited observational perceptions (eyes, ears, touch, taste) don't we have to prove that our perceptions are exactly how we perceive them before we can prove science and all its decades of accumulative knowledge is truth?
With this in mind, how can any worldview be established if you can't prove that your perception/experience/accumulative knowledge is real/truth/unbreakable axioms to begin with?
Proof doesn't equal truth
http://digipac.ca/chemical/proof/index.htmI'm an atheist, and I'll speak for myself only. I don't need other atheist to tell me their "rules" of atheism, I don't care.
My own belief is that you should believe what you want, I don't care. Do your own thing, but never try to impose your own belief unto myself, never ever. I think, when you wake up in the morning, you need some faith in something. You need dreams or beliefs to be able to be productive and create something wonderful. Before, people used to convince themselves in believing in all the same crap. Every religion started as a cult with a fucked up prophet who had "visions". Today, with the wave of atheism, I think faith is becoming more personal and private than before. Instead of listening to your neighbor to know which crap to believe, you make your own crap to believe in.
As an atheist, I build my own vision of life, my own vision of the world by using different elements of our knowledge and mixing it with my own creativity. In a way, life is simply a bad trip on oxygen. So, in my opinion, worldview is established by using respect and discussion between individual minds, and this worldview can be changed anytime. We need to have different worldview, the more the better. Humanity lose its soul the day where everybody is under the same banner, the same worldview, the same truth.
Faith is a powerful tool, it is what build this world. Everything has been built on what humans believe. And like any tool, it gets better with any new version. Sticking your faith to one of the basic organized religion is like sticking to use Windows 1.0. Challenge it! Change it! Try Linux! Try Mac OS! Try what you hate! It's the only way to evolve your faith and your own mind. Because, in a way....monotheism evolved from polytheism, Christians evolve from Jews and Muslim evolved from Christians. Atheism is simply a peer-2-peer and decentralized faith.
But like I said, as an atheist, this is my own crap in which I believe, and I only share it. I don't really care in your faith, because it's yours, not mine.