ok look i help you.
This is the transaction https://blockchain.info/tx/eb4dfa9e3f091b550701784b7bd7945a7344d99bf0ab20c7bac19239af034f67
this is the block https://blockchain.info/de/block-index/454469
this is the guy that mined it: https://blockchain.info/de/blocks/Unknown%20with%201AcAj9p%20Address
now you need to google for this address https://blockchain.info/de/address/1AcAj9p6zJn4xLXdvmdiuPCtY7YkBPTAJo
I am not sure how that was determined. You should ask DubFX how he got that information.
I appreciate your help, but that does not help me get his contact info. and if it does i don't know how to find it
Just contact bitfury and ask them