I can advice you not to use faceuts or signature campaign , you cant make 0.3 bitcoin with those , it will take you at least 3-4month, depends on your rank , what I suggest to you is to work real job and just turn the dollars to bitcoins , the best way and fastet way , also if you can design logos or anything else from your skills you can offer your services here in the forum , one more way is to find some trash on your house ( things your not using) and sell it . and there much more ways just be creative , good luck .
Designing logos wouldn't get you 0.3BTC in a week. Considering how low is the number of possible customers and how many competitors are there, the chances of you getting a customer is really low. There are people who already have earned their title in making a logo and people just recommend them to their friends.
Also, consider how low you get paid by a customer when making logos. Offering other skills have the same problems. The payment is really low especially if the skill that you're offering can easily be obtained by a regular internet guy. I think signature campaigns is much better for it gives you an opportunity to do your work everyday and the pay rate is quite okay.