While you are lucky that you got a good lender, its not good to put down others to stoke your own ego. My 2 satoshi
Totally disagreed!
How can you say that? They are very trustworthy. People are of diverse kinds, you cannot tag a whole country with millions of people like that.
I have a few Indian friends and I know.
I have been scammed by Americans, Europeans, Asians and even Africans...
P.S. Okay, you are from India. Kind of explains things...
P.P.S. I mean micky123
Yes, i am from India too. A vast majority of Indians are branded scammers and with good reason too. I cannot believe that some indian dude scammed me off 0.01 BTC. That is the height of idiocracy! I am not putting down Indians, i am just calling a spade a spade. While its good that OP has paid back, i am merely pointing out the fact that he should not be boasting and brushing people off just because he paid back your loan.
You were kind enough to loan him in this case, i would not have loaned him as i still see him as a potential risk. However, feels good to see a fellow Indian actually paying back someone and NOT sullying the name of the country even more than it has been already
Hey, neither did I try to boast or bark on anyone out there nor did I ever try to satisfy my ego anywhere here... I just meant to say that some people should be given a chance, and I second you on being lucky in my case, but still I had faith that I will be able to repay and that's why I even asked to extend, else even if I wouldn't have been able to repay him, as Watoshi if I didn't ask him to give me negative feedback... I was being so honest and will always be, and yes, I am feeling very happy to make you feel proud due to my repayment...