You're missing the point:
I provide a service to people that
DO NOT wish to provide their personal/business/private bank account information to an exchange.
That's it. It's as simple as that. Some people don't care if they have to wait "1HR" to 7 days for their coins. It's a matter of privacy and security.
With, you provide American Express information that they check, you are providing personal information to an institution that is WELL ESTABLISHED. HOW WELL ESTABLISHED IS AN EXCHANGE, ever thought about that? I am the one taking the risk by connecting to an EXCHANGE, so my clients don't have to. My clients feel a sense of security in their purchasing and a sense of relief to know WHO is working with their money.
That's the problem with society is that we have gone so fast to miss what is so important...human have NO idea who works at those exchanges, who reallly owns those exchanges, or who really is behind the infrastructure of the exchange.
My friend, I really have thought this through, trust me, I have. And it works.
I UTILIZE A SERVICE THAT AUTHENTICATES USERS that are verified and that service provides me with their name address and email whence they have sent me money or i have sent a money request via BTC request. I have clause after clause that protects me from Charge Backs accurate purchase records that provides extensive background and history of the transaction.
Said user sends me money personally to me...I buy for them. This alleviates any connection to my client to an exchange and that's why my clients don't mind my transaction fees. My service isn't for everyone, I will admit this. Someone that has no care that their personal bank information is attached to an exchange would not use my service.
I bet you don't know the name of the person that buys your bitcoins for you. My clients know my name, my address, my phone number, my facebook is:, my twitter: I'm not out to make a quadrillion dollars, I charge my fee as a SERVICE and it's fair.
It's a more personable experience.
Your argument about speed....I'll break it down for you with just two examples:
CampBX(based out of Atlanta, GA):
*If exchange account is funded: IMMEDIATE!
*If exchange account is NOT FUNDED...and you use DWOLLA, 6 hrs. IF DWOLLA isn't funded it takes 2-3 days to fund DWOLLA then you fund your exchange account. So 2-3 days + 6 hours. Thats FAST!
*If you don't have DWOLLA then you have to FUND by Money Order or Personal Check.
*Personal Check 2-4 day delivery depending on where you live. + 3 day wait period to max 6 Days.
*Money Order: First time sending money order 9 days flat+delivery time (2-4 days). After that it takes 2-3 days to process + delivery time (2-4days) again 6 days.
Linked bank account: Optional
Speed: Varies
Coinbase: (based out of
*Purchase with your ACH withdraw to their Account 5 days FLAT. No sooner, No later.
Linked Bank Account: YES
Speed: Accurately 5 days
those are just two examples.
So how is it any different than purchasing through me than an exchange?? Except you don't give me your bank info. huh?
All I do is purchase from these multitude of Exchanges, which is close to the same speed as you would purchase via their Exchanges. I USE 7 DAYS TO PROTECT ME FROM BEING SUPER LATE on delivery, if delivery is over 7 days, there is NO CHARGE on the transaction FEE. I do not need to have a huge reserve. I DO use my funds to help speed up the process of the slow bank exchange of $$$ to BTC. THE ONLY DIFFERENCE:
DO NOT HAVE TO GIVE THEIR INFORMATION TO ANY EXCHANGE, AND MY CLIENTS LIKE THAT. YOUR ARGUMENT IS MOOT. My clients give their information to an ESTABLISHED organization (American Express). I do not hold Bank information, i have NO ACCESS to bank information, I am protected via my clauses and terms and conditions and Serve Terms and Conditions.
My charge comes from keeping the client SAFE of putting their BANK information to an exchange.
Again....I have done my research.....I have thought this through.
Thanks for inquiring about my service! I appreciate the questions and criticism it helps me become a better agent for my clients!