"Singularity" is a human term, referencing when exponential growth crosses significant human-scale thresholds.
For example, if a middle-class guy bought 100 BTC for $200 last year, exponential growth of his holdings even up to $20,000 has felt to him like "neat, but not a big deal."
However, if that exponential growth continues apace and his worth reaches $2,000,000 next year, suddenly it's life-changing. And then in another two years he's one of the richest men alive. It feels like a singularity, because even though the growth has followed the same exponent all along, it just recently passed the thresholds of his human scale that make a big difference for him.
I am already creating serious ripples, when I jetset around the town trying to corner all prime available office space since I
know, the other bitcoin millionaires/HNWI:s will be after the same thing in as little as 30-60
What you described, blokes suddenly being lifted to world class, is exactly the mechanism that will finish bitcoin's rise from <1,000 to >1,000,000 this year. It just cannot take any longer any more. This is not 2011.