Bubble 2 - April 2013 - $250
Bubble 3 - November 2013 - $1,200
B1 -> 22 months -> B2 -> 7 months -> B3 -> 8.5 months... -> B4?
Bubble 1 - 2
250 - 30 = 220
220 / 22 months = $10/month
Bubble 2 - 3
1,200 - 250 = 950
950 / 7 months = $135/month
Bubble 3 - 4?
@$10/month so far = $1,280 - erm, no, not a bubble
@135/month so far = $2,347.5 - still not really a bubble
135/10 = 13.5
135 * 13.5 = $1,822.5
@$1,822.g/month so far = $16,691.25
$16,691.25 would be the price of the peak of the bubble if we were at the peak today, which we are not.
$10,000 is looking more pessimistic every day.
Tim draper is a bear
So are you saying that $10,000 is a pessimistic speculation?
I definitely agree with you, but I was really close to sell them all some weeks ago...