Well yeah there's really a lot of people trying to come to Europe and I guess there will be even more with time and all I can see is that there is no agreement between the politicians and no consensus is being made,so I don't know where the situation will end really.
No no they discuss it. Their goal is to extract as much as possible dollars in providing their friends in the private sector with refugee jobs (hotels, language and integration courses etc). And they can provide cheap labor to their friends (1euro day job). And totally undermine national cohesion. The more refugee the better. Why should they care, politics the hillary way!
No one want to admit there is a demographic problem in the 3rd world. Some of the most idiots believe that dictators is the best option, like gadafi. To contain them... Yeah yeah like it was stoping them to breed.
Want to play spot the woman or child in the boat pic.
Thank fuck the UK has voted to leave this insanity.
They always put them in front in the camera shot... LoL they didn't improve since gobels. And the funniest, it still works
. Their is a price for stupid.