To Olivier Janssens,
There is FAR TOO MUCH work to be done for any one Foundation or Committee. That is absolutely obvious. I don't care what anyone says otherwise. This centralization at the Bitcoin Foundation is too much work for any one group of people, especially part timers.
I believe The Bitcoin Foundation should evolve into what some want to focus on a great deal.
An organization for Businesses involved with Bitcoin.
Please seriously consider renaming The Bitcoin Foundation to much better fit on what it's focus mostly is:
Please strongly consider renaming it to something such as:
"The Bitcoin Business Community Foundation".
The original name is far too overburdening and overbearing.
Like it's "Bitcoin Central" and all that comes with that.
That's a lot to live up to, maybe impossible for any one group!
At least so far it's been quite the spectacle, and more.
Besides, (here) is Bitcoin Central, lol...
I believe together with Olivier Janssens idea of a successful inclusion of software would make the vast majority of all of us much more content, if not any happier at times, so this matter could be much closer to conclusion.
drumroll teaser:
2) "The Bitcoin Business Community Foundation" (or whatever)
3) Bitcoin Core Developers Foundation & Community @
4) or (automated democratization of Bitcoin Foundation)
IF that software can automate the democratization of Bitcoin successfully then why not? After all it's merely mob rule right? lol. But seriously, it's a great, timely idea, and many other groups and organizations, even governments, may eventually very well adopt such an approach if someone can design and build a worthy product. What better than to have a Bitcoiner come up with the first successful working model?
The Bitcoin Core Developers really should have their very own and completely Independently control over their Core Community, including and, funded by all the Bitcoin Community, and whatever other means we can devise up. I don't know exactly how the Bitcoin Core Developers communities is presently structured, but I firmly believe they should be rulers of their own work with last say in everything concerning any and all bitcoin-Qt Core work, just as I stated, completely Independent, answer to no one, but simply always willing listeners to the Bitcoin Community, and it's needs and desires with Bitcoin-Qt Core.
Set the Core Developers Free, IF not already so. Let them FOCUS on their expertise: Development. Let no one rule over them but their own leadership. And let the greater bitcoin community win their minds to the greater bitcoin communities desires for Bitcoin-Qt Core's future innovations. But always make it the Developers that have the last call and say so. No one else should be allowed to make final determinations on any Bitcoin-Qt Core software innovation decisions. Their the Software Experts, no one else. They should always have the last say. Fully autonomous/independent/of everything else related to Bitcoin. Hopefully their that way already. I just don't know the answer, sadly. Shameful, I know...
Only then do we have a four point set of organizations that are much better aligned and focused.
1) - Bitcoin Grand Central Station.
2) "The Bitcoin Business Community Foundation" (or whatever Business name they come up with)
3) Bitcoin Core Developers Foundation & Community @ (a new website, already exists, just checked for it)
4) or (adopt or merely reside at, if possible, if not, then it's own webpage and name)
note: already exists too, I didn't know about this until just now. I have no idea who that is
*With Core Bitcoin-Qt downloads directly from both and for redundancy and safety purposes.
* And nice, easy Digital Signatures on all new Bitcoin-Qt downloads for ease of verifying them to regular users. Plus SHA256 sigs too, yea yea, I know...bla bla...PLEASE do this. Thanks.
Thank You BitcoinCoreDevelopers, your seriously the stone cold nuts! (the best poker hand that is possible).
So I toss this up in the air and I will let everyone else that cares to mull it over and whatever else they can come up with add to this or tear it up and come up with better ideas.
It's late, this took only a bit of time, maybe it isn't okay at all, nor acceptable, but toss it in the air I have done, I believe it's for the very best. At least it's the best solutions I have come up with yet, with a lot of help from our friends, especially Olivier Janssens.
Hopefully Olivier Janssens approach will greatly help evolve the Bitcoin Foundation into a Bitcoin Business Foundation possibly, and fully automate the new "" or whatever name is finally adopted. This was the 1st name I cooked up quickly just now. - who is this???
I am very tired and cross eyed, good night...
A true, automated Social Democracy for Bitcoin?
Beautiful, Perfect, Wonderful. Make it so.
Already I am dreaming of this.
Again Olivier Janssens,
Bitcoin is Freedom.