And why not make a system that behaves like every other currency used in the world now? You are fighting an uphill battle, like trying to convince people that we should use a 10-hour clock to keep track of time instead of 12 or 24. It might make technically sense, but because of historical baggage, it just doesn't make sense to most people.
if we would, we would be going with MILL short for MILLI and MIC/MIKE short for MICRO, because every other currency in the world uses CENTS which is short for CENTI
You don't seem to be willing to understand my point... The point is that in order to make sense for ordinary people it needs to be a decimal currency, meaning there should be ONE base-unit that can be divided into 100 sub-units.
bam, schooled, defeated by your own 'logic'
Not really, see above.
that's not even the point of discussion, the point of discussion is what that unit should be named. Not if it should exist.
It's kind of annoying having to constantly remind people that those are two completely different topics.
Topic 1: Should there be a base unit worth 100 satoshi? - A majority votes yes.
Topic 2: What should we name that base unit? - NOT a majority for any name except the semi-officiall µ
BTC, which for obvious reason will not be a popular unofficial name.
What i'm saying is that on topic 2, we should have a name like ubit or mike or finney, instead of bit. Because bit is confusing and if we continue to use bit i can guarantee you that for the next couple of years you will keep seeing threads like this, and trust me, i won't even need to start them, because newcomers will.
Big NO on this...bit is totally someting else bit=0 or 1 not anything else!
"bit" was used for other things before it was put to use in that way. Normal people don't care or know about computer science, so they will not be confused, and people smart enough to know other meanings of "bit" will also be able to distinguish between the various use cases.
My thought exactly. When someone says "I need to go for a bit," I don't ask "a 1 or a 0?" It's got an implied meaning (small amount of time).
but the implied meaning of bit is an abbreviation of bitcoin, as well as any arbitrary fraction of a bitcoin. Therefore, it's a big no-no to use it. A name should not cause confusion as to how many it is worth.