1. The captcha could easily be detected by using OCT Tesseract, so that's completely useless.
http://www.100bit.co.in/authenticate.php?user_id=" (SQLi)
3. No CSRF protection anywhere
4. Vulnerable to clickjacking.
5. Modifying currency / country in settings so that the value = A string that breaks SQLi
http://gyazo.com/70267440848463cbe9cf22e38fdc08cd (Not sanitized) so another SQLi here. Shows this SQLi on trade page.
6. "Name" on settings page vulnerable to XSS.
7. Shouldn't allow negative currencies
http://gyazo.com/509791dd4e4fc300272d26e936cbcb12 . Massive issues could arise later on.
8. Payment mode on the orders page is vuln to persistent XSS.
9. By the looks of it, you can delete others buy orders
10. Persistent XSS in orders page by editing currency or country POST fields.
11. SQLi in trade page in post vars order and field. Escaping a string is not sufficient here as you're allowing the the person to chose the MySQL column. NEVER ALLOW THE CLIENT ACCESS TO ANYTHING THAT NEEDS TO BE DONE SERVER SIDED.
12. About Me in settings allows HTML, leads to XSS and other things such as good old iframing -> clickjacking on your site.
13. You can see everyone elses ticket IDs
http://www.100bit.co.in/reply.php?ticket_id=[ticketid] and reply to them
14. XSS on the reply field of the ticket system.
15. The verify email token is an encrypted text that you obviously try to decrypt (I can see in the SQLi in authenticate.php). Don't have any tokens that contain informative values in them.
I think I'll finish up there, I could probably continue and find even more. The site is heavily vulnerable and I would highly suggest allowing legitimate trading on it until all issues are fixed. I'd also suggest you use a PHP Framework such as laravel as you're not quite proficient in security with basic PHP.