Indeed lol. Just a day after I rented half my hashing power to some startup pool. Still nice
edit: and there is number 6
306 35955 2012-01-01 20:43 0h 04m 4,110 409,454 1.0% 71.757 NMC DeathAndTaxes 119 left
305 160164 2012-01-01 20:39 2h 58m 184,723 1,159,929 14.7% 74.189
BTC Kraken 118 left
304 35953 2012-01-01 20:39 2h 58m 183,009 409,454 36.0% 73.515 NMC Kraken 117 left
303 160146 2012-01-01 17:40 2h 02m 128,879 1,159,929 10.5% 75.259
BTC bitcoinpappi 100 left
302 35933 2012-01-01 17:40 2h 02m 127,437 409,454 26.7% 74.437 NMC bitcoinpappi 97 left
301 160138 2012-01-01 15:38 6h 41m 426,239 1,159,929 30.8% 76.012
BTC bitcoinpappi 92 left
300 35920 2012-01-01 15:38 0h 58m 62,494 409,454 14.2% 75.843 NMC bitcoinpappi 84 left
299 35912 2012-01-01 14:39 5h 42m 359,039 409,454 58.4% 75.072 NMC ibehnk 76 left
298 160090 2012-01-01 08:56 3h 26m 221,858 1,159,929 17.4% 76.938
BTC Turbor 44 left
297 35873 2012-01-01 08:56 3h 26m 219,601 409,454 41.5% 76.173 NMC Turbor 37 left
296 160065 2012-01-01 05:30 0h 46m 51,034 1,159,929 4.3% 78.817
BTC mmariotti 19 left
295 35846 2012-01-01 05:30 0h 46m 50,487 409,454 11.6% 78.056 NMC mmariotti 10 left
294 160060 2012-01-01 04:43 23h 41m 1,550,221 1,159,929 73.7% 78.039
BTC pageus 14 left
293 35841 2012-01-01 04:43 1h 44m 113,787 409,454 24.3% 77.758 NMC pageus 5 left
292 35829 2012-01-01 02:59 21h 57m 1,420,942 409,454 96.9% 77.226 NMC ibehnk confirmed
I could get used to this!