BTC 0.0198 to BTC 0.3168
Bet ID: 598
Choice: 3
Bet Amount: BTC 0.0198
Tx Hash: 90f498a2a0f06839eb62eaff89fc1072aec7a322a3f288957a911804f3ffc0c0
Status: won
Confirmation Block Height: 435283
Confirmation Block Hash: 0000000000000000001fdfa9afc5c98cdbc7e2cf81dabc038b4f062ded1d2e73
Return Amount: BTC 0.3168
Return Address: 17YTi5T5pGhsu3XJsRdMAiUwfsRLtsQEkJ
Return Tx: 60017b53b1153714d1138c16b82a13238e98287d68fea3b1f0261a362e3a61e1
Are you really saying you're not just advertising the site? lol. Sure looks like it to me. Seem pretty active in showing
the winning rolls.
Besides, that win doesn't really say much. The 'guy' could have a lost $100's if not $1000's before that 'winning' bet.
Same as after.
And yep, would probably need a sizable bankroll to increase win chance.
What does it matter how much they lost before winning? OP isn't saying that player as a postive bankroll, they are just saying that they won big there. What is the problem with that?
Are the odds just so bad that the house doesnt need an edge? What is the sites total bankroll, and at what amount if a withdrawal manual?