I wasn’t aware of the story, and found it an interesting read on how the first BTC price was set on an Exchange (arguably primitive, placing petitions by email and such):
(Checkout how BTC price rose in just a couple of days)
The New Liberty Standard is considered by some as the first Exchange, and as such, on 05/10/2009, it had to set it’s first BTC price in USD (payments were initially made through PayPal). The price was set, based upon the following formula:
By "dividing $1.00 by the average amount of electricity required to run a computer with high CPU for a year, 1331.5 kWh, multiplied by the average residential cost of electricity in the United States for the previous year, $0.1136, divided by 12 months divided, by the number of bitcoins generated by my computer(*) over the past 30 days".
(*) The person behind New Liberty Standard I presume.
It’s interesting to see how the price changed pretty wildly over the first few days (you can see a longer price table and a bunch of interesting stuff by navigating through the archived site, whose link I provided further below).
As said,
offer and demand did not set the price back then (initially), but rather the above formula that ensured covering costs. The variation in price from one day to another is, I figure, due to the change in the "
bitcoins generated by my computer(*) over the past 30 days" part, which will change as the 30 day window slides forward another day. Later on, price calculus was modified to include moving averages and the cost of data bandwidth.
Dates to consider:
03/01/2009: First bitcoin block is mined.
12/01/2009: First BTC TX (Satoshi -> Hal : 10 BTCs).
05/10/2009: First known price for BTC is set (as per the referenced links down below).
12/10/2009: First TX on New Liberty Standard -> Sirius (Martti Malmi) sold 5050 BTCs to New Liberty Standard for 5,02$ (Paypal).
05/02/2010: New Liberty Standard proposes using ฿ as BTC’s currency symbol
Bitcoin Currency Symbol ฿.
18/05/2010: @laszlo
offers 10K BTCs for 2 pizzas (consiered the first comercial TX).
22/05/2010: @laszlo
confirms the TX having taken place.
NewLibertyStandard (perfil Bitcointalk)
https://web.archive.org/web/20091229132610/http://newlibertystandard.wetpaint.com/page/Exchange+Ratehttps://www.sgtreport.com/2021/01/dawn-of-bitcoin-price-discovery-2009-2011-the-very-early-bitcoin-exchanges/https://www.bullionstar.com/blogs/ronan-manly/dawn-of-bitcoin-price-discovery-2009-2011-the-very-early-bitcoin-exchanges/Note: My dates are written as dd/mm/yyyy