Was planning to post this in:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/14-year-old-muslim-teen-gets-illegally-detained-in-texas-for-homemade-clock-1189791But it has been locked down.
So... Let's move on:
Musings Of An Average Joe: The Threat Of Non-Radical Islam - Should We Actually Listen To Bill Maher?The case of “Ahmed’s clock,” the recent comments by Dr. Ben Carson regarding a Muslim in the White House, and the ongoing debate about the Syrian refugee crisis has brought the discussion on Islam back to the forefront of American politics. The left continues to have this incessant desire to coddle and defend anyone they perceive to be the underdog or member of any allegedly oppressed minority group. In regard to Muslims, however, this ardent defense is completely at odds with liberal doctrine, and no one on the left except Bill Maher appears to be aware of this.
We have come to the point where the debate over Islam has resulted in people taking one of two extreme opposite positions. You’re either a bloodthirsty terrorist, willing to kill infidels at the drop of a hat in the name of Allah or, you are simply a wonderful, tolerant, peace-loving human being. In this debate, almost no one acknowledges that there is a middle ground. But there is a huge middle ground, and those that inhabit it should give progressive liberals, the champions of tolerance, equality, women’s rights and gay rights, much cause for concern.
Bill Maher seems to understand something that virtually none of his peers on the left understand. While the debate remains exclusively about “radical Islam,” ironically enough, you’ll often find that the most “moderate”, tolerant Muslims fit the exact description of the left’s perception of the stereotypical racist, sexist, homophobic, religious fanatic right-wing conservative that they profess to fear and loathe.
As Maher pointed out in a discussion earlier this year about radical Islam, “I’m a liberal in this debate. I’m for free speech. To be a liberal, you have to stand up for liberal principles. It’s not my fault that the part of the world that is most against liberal principles is the Muslim part of the world.”
The reason why it is so obvious the liberal movement is a farce. Worse, the liberal movement has become exactly what they used to despise.
Worser: they are in denial about it.
Worserer: they will attack you for pointing this to them...
Worsererer: I hate to like maher but, in this case