This is running 16 s-1's
Version: unknown 7032706f6f6c2d6e2d6d6173746572
Pool rate: 1.67PH/s (13% DOA+orphan) Share difficulty: 6520000
Node uptime: 2.8 days Peers: 6 out, 0 in
Local rate: 3.99TH/s (6.6% DOA) Expected time to share: 2.0 hours
Shares: 44 total (4 orphaned, 0 dead) Efficiency: 104.5%
Payout if a block were found NOW: 0.0698682 BTC to xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Expected after mining for 24 hours: 0.0691 BTC per block.
Current block value: 25.084773600000002 BTC Expected time to block: 14.1 hours
Any opinions?
I think I am finding a good amount of shares, its just that the blocks are not paying enough.
If we had a few more blocks it would be better?
But we really are not.
1 month ago my payouts were 0.14xxxxxxx
I'd say you're right on target, although your DOA rate seems a little high:
Version: 13.4-40-gce9e5a2
Pool rate: 1.67PH/s (13% DOA+orphan) Share difficulty: 6320000
Node uptime: 1.5 days Peers: 6 out, 0 in
Local rate: 8.65TH/s (2.7% DOA) Expected time to share: 52.3 minutes
Shares: 50 total (4 orphaned, 2 dead) Efficiency: 101.2%
Payout if a block were found NOW: 0 BTC to . Expected after mining for 24 hours: 0.130 BTC per block.
Current block value: 25.15205561 BTC Expected time to block: 14.1 hours
I'm a little over double your hashrate, and double your payout, it adds up.
And yes, a month ago my payout rate was higher (.18/day on BTCGuild), due to 2 things - first the pool rate was under 1PH/s with 100 less miners, and we've had at least 2 diff increases since then (last one happened overnight). Unfortunately the pool rate has grown enough to down our earnings due to more total hashrate but we've been unlucky in not seeing enough of an increase in blocks yet to offset it. However I believe the numbers are properly in-line for what has happened.