Try editing your bitcoin conf with the below settings. The reasoning behind them is with less connections and less transactions to process your bitcoind will respond faster. It did help a lot for me. Also I've noticed that anyone compiling their own bitcoin from git has a big advantage too since the new db system for the next bitcoin release is way faster. If you can't compile your own keep an eye out for a 0.8RC1 when it comes out.
#Maximum size, in bytes, of blocks you create:
#How many bytes of the block should be dedicated to high-priority transactions,
#included regardless of the fees they pay
#Minimum block size you want to create; block will be filled with free transactions
#until there are no more or the block reaches this size:
#Fee-per-kilobyte amount (in BTC) considered the same as "free"
#Be careful setting this: if you set it to zero then
#a transaction spammer can cheaply fill blocks using
#1-satoshi-fee transactions. It should be set above the real
#cost to you of processing a transaction.