Could someone explain to me what is the difference between running p2pool with port 8333 and 9333 open and close.
In order to participate in the bitcoin and p2pool p2p networks, your node needs to make connections with other computers. These connections can either be outgoing (your computer initiates) or incoming (another computer initiates). If port 8333 and 9333 are closed, then your computer can only make outgoing connections.
Since there are a lot of computers that have closed ports, this means that there are more computers trying to make outgoing connections than there are computers that are able to receive them. As a result, if you have closed ports, your bitcoind and p2pool processes will make fewer total connections, and will not be able to propagate shares and blocks as well. You also make the issue worse of there being more outgoing connection attempts than there are recipients.
Port 8333 is for bitcoind's p2p communication. Port 9333 is for p2pool's p2p communication. Bitcoind's p2p communication is for transmitting blocks and transactions, and p2pool's p2p communication is for transmitting p2pool shares (and also some blocks). Port 9333 makes a much larger difference for p2pool's performance than 8333.
Hi jtoonim,
thanks for the explaination.
from what I understand from your explaination, with port 8333 and 9333 closed about not able to propagate shares and blocks means I could solve a block but it just I will have to rely on someone else full node bitcoind and p2pool to propagate it to the network?
And if possible, I open both port. but if for some reason I couldn't, it will still be better open port 9333 than 8333 right?