lauda, so much fail in your posts..
you say core isnt going for 4mb data per block??
+static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT = 4000000;
go research it. and have a nice day.
edit: hint 4000000 = 4mill bytes = 4000 kbytes = 4mb
EDIT: seems lauda still thinks 4mb doesnt exist in cores code.
here ill even link him right to THEIR consensus code
now lets see lauda continue to pretend its not the github that is literally saying it.. and instead lets laugh while he thinks im talking about unicorns..
really time he starts to learn to read code.. as his fails are going beyond logic
and to norris
although the blockweight which is real world data combined that nodes will be transmitting to each other as FULL NODES, the way its formatted is that the txid, inputs are in the baseblock(main block area) as just a bait and switch to not need old nodes to upgrade, but left only seeing uncheckable data inside the:
static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_BASE_SIZE = 1000000;
*first payment codes, then confidential payment codes, then Pedersen commitments, and who knows whats next
but this extra data will be outside of the baseblock(meaning uncheckable by old nodes).. but included in the blockweight (combined/serialised block) which is the real full data that is actually transmitted in the real world by updated full nodes.
in short although taking the signatures out of the baseblock allows more txdata into baseblock.. things like signatures and the second txid dont just disappear.. they still need to be transmitted. so once you brush away all the fluffy false promises of 1.8x at 1mb and look at the REAL bytes and megabytes transmitted between updated FULL NODES and then look at the transaction count to work out a transaction size of real full data..
it only allows for upto 1.8x capacity compared to today. because all they are cutting out of the baseblock is the signature. nothing more, just the signature. but then adding alot more data outside the baseblock
so its not 4mb=4x capacity. its just 4mb=1.8xcapacity.. because capacity is still limited to whats in the base block
and those numbers are actually numbers spouted out from core devs and their fanboys.
but i would love to see lauda fail at explaining why 'static const unsigned int MAX_BLOCK_WEIGHT = 4000000;' exists in actual code, knowing he hasnt read any code to even realise it... as i really wanna see him backtrack and admit that his deception for the last year of '2mb bloat is bad' has failed