Sigh.. Seriously drop it already, look at other parts of the world instead. SHIT HAPPENS NOW 4 COPS ARE DEAD BECAUSE OF ONE THUG! Putting 2 pigs in blankets today guy, this is what the elite want - race tension, the more the better. Start with cop shootings, but where does it end? Maybe a white guy shoots the next cop killer, gets killed, revenge back and forth and nobody has a fucking clue who is in the right or wrong.
those cops are fucking bastard is what you don't get, they are where the hammer hit the ground, they chose willingly to support the alcolol industry at the detriment of the plant industry. then they reap the seed they sow.
what you don't get is that the legal plant industry needs cops! cops shall provide security to legit (in the common sense) industry and not protect the looters and destroyers of mankind. but they have chosen... and prefer to stay blind in their arrogance and defensive mental posture, it doesn't change it's unreal and UNATURAL, don't fight plants... they are well connected as being, remember they rarely move if ever for most, what does it imply? Knowledgeable Native WW knows... you just forgot, designly.
edit: to give an example of my argument : how many us soldiers (aka pension assured in usd on a loan on the us soil for a product on the us soil) have had their cars or house taken? okay, meanwhile how many plants victim less crimes have been recorded? you see, it's a case of over extending the police (polis), ie their job, like the gmos, the frack fluids, the pesticides what ever... you start to understand? it's complex. complex not taught, just feel. it's logical.