It was the Bitcointalk forum that inspired us to create - Bitcointalk is an excellent site that should be the default page for anybody dealing in cryptocurrency, since it is a virtual gold-mine of data. However, our experience and user feedback led us create our site; Bitcointalk's search is slow, and difficult to get the results you need, because you need to log in first to find anything useful - furthermore, there are rate limiters for their search functionality.
The aim of our project is to create a faster website that yields more results and faster without having to create an account and eliminate the need to log in - your personal data, therefore, will never be in jeopardy since we are not asking for any of your data and you don't need to provide them to use our site with all of its capabilities.
We created this website with the sole purpose of users being able to search quickly and efficiently in the field of cryptocurrency so they will have access to the latest and most accurate information and thereby assisting the crypto-community at large.
$ python ~/.armory/armory_2QQkCkdt_.wallet 3 5
$ python wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag*.txt --test
$ python wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag*.txt
$ python ~/.armory/armory_2QQkCkdt_.wallet 3 5
* Executing wallet-fragmenting script. Split your Armory wallet
* into N pieces, requiring any M to recover the wallet.
Found hash of current git commit: cf8ebe7cecf4bbd0457e8f984354aabb6e869e66
Here is the paper backup information for this wallet.
Root Key: hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
otjf osws teaa gjei ihoa ffaa fojn swng tusg
Chaincode: kwig jorj agtj ragt kwrn dnhf ojgw tkwg snti
hdst aurh osfj ajhd nwra ogdd dsiw saff fwra
Will create 3-of-5 fragmentation of your paper backup.
Continue? [Y/n]: y
About to create the fragments. Any other info/identifiers you would
like to add to each of the fragment files? Enter it on the next line:
(Enter info or leave blank): This fragment belongs to forum user etotheipi
Fragment 1: wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag1_need_3.txt
ID: 0301 02d1 93af fa6f
x1: aiow gnrr haaj hthf hsnf rskj tooi kjta ajuf
x2: jgto kgir ekgs whod kdkr rwsr hase jdui irdh
x3: rugh hoas sghk sowr esdj kgnw hihe jnri jehu
x4: eagt fair gjan ifwd retd ewnd aofu gnur jdut
y1: owrn sowu nfrw oeeo gggs ikkw feii ueja hwns
y2: aogt osig wonk jkis fkur gfhk kowt gwdu tter
y3: eats akge jeot rdug oeki frgd onia einn rddj
y4: dkfj nsed tijj nfkn dkne nieu ittf gnrg gkhj
Fragment 2: wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag2_need_3.txt
ID: 0302 02d1 93af fa6f
x1: fadf gtko nwii gfwd nogk osak jodn tess dgdt
x2: wris jthf kgdu jiwj jeho suii ugnw rewd rtoi
Fragment 5: wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag5_need_3.txt
ID: 0305 02d1 93af fa6f
x1: hfte nufh utis sseh aweu jkgw ugno iaow kdue
x2: nkwo ndsw jief taar tfrg kejn knwg tfkt akuw
x3: ofat fgui iwsk eofg toeo widn gwnh hauk knhg
x4: ugut wfww rfon kdkg uddi rutn nefh ftid iorn
y1: oerh rdie rnth dnda iaws ateg utaf drhh grnu
y2: hrte iaoh khwa jrfa dfeh doej usit infh fjhj
y3: uije nsga suod jiid sjau rhwh swsg rfgn gwud
y4: nwnd eheo issg tdrw kdei fhoj joun iuit jirf
NOTE: If you rerun this fragment script on the same wallet
with the same fragments-required value, M, then you will
get the same fragments. Use this to replace fragments,
or using a higher N-value to produce more pieces (but you
MUST use the same M value!)
Wallet ID: 2QQkCkdt
Create Date: 2013-Mar-06 12:29am
Git Commit: cf8ebe7cecf4bbd0457e8f984354aabb6e869e66
This fragment belongs to forum user etotheipi
This Fragment: #1
Fragments Needed: 3
Fragments Created: 5 (more fragments may have been created later)
The following is a single fragment of your wallet. Execute
the reconstruction script with any 3 of these fragment files
in the execution directory to recover your original wallet.
Each file can be reconstructed by manually typing the data
into a text editor. Only the following 9 lines (with prefixes)
are necessary in each file. All other data can be omitted.
ID: 0301 02d1 93af fa6f
x1: aiow gnrr haaj hthf hsnf rskj tooi kjta ajuf
x2: jgto kgir ekgs whod kdkr rwsr hase jdui irdh
x3: rugh hoas sghk sowr esdj kgnw hihe jnri jehu
x4: eagt fair gjan ifwd retd ewnd aofu gnur jdut
y1: owrn sowu nfrw oeeo gggs ikkw feii ueja hwns
y2: aogt osig wonk jkis fkur gfhk kowt gwdu tter
y3: eats akge jeot rdug oeki frgd onia einn rddj
y4: dkfj nsed tijj nfkn dkne nieu ittf gnrg gkhj
$ python wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag*.txt --test
* Restoring wallet from 3-of-N fragmented backup!
Recovered paper backup: 2QQkCkdt
hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
otjf osws teaa gjei ihoa ffaa fojn swng tusg
kwig jorj agtj ragt kwrn dnhf ojgw tkwg snti
hdst aurh osfj ajhd nwra ogdd dsiw saff fwra
Testing reconstruction on 20 subsets:
Using fragments (0,1,3) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (2,3,4) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (1,3,4) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (1,2,3) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (0,1,2) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (0,3,4) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (0,3,4) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (2,3,4) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
Using fragments (0,2,4) Reconstructed (first line): hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
$ python wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag*.txt
* Restoring wallet from 3-of-N fragmented backup!
Recovered paper backup: 2QQkCkdt
hrfr dejf snwf rtun rtin dhri snor aihd wiut
otjf osws teaa gjei ihoa ffaa fojn swng tusg
kwig jorj agtj ragt kwrn dnhf ojgw tkwg snti
hdst aurh osfj ajhd nwra ogdd dsiw saff fwra
You have supplied more pieces (5) than needed for reconstruction (3).
Are you trying to run the reconstruction test instead of actually
recovering the wallet? If so, wallet recovery will be skipped. [Y/n] n
Proceeding with wallet recovery...
Would you like to encrypt the recovered wallet? [Y/n]: y
Choose an encryption passphrase:
Set the key-stretching parameters:
Seconds to compute (default 0.25): 2
Max RAM used, in MB (default 32): 16
Creating new wallet...
Please wait while the address pool is being populated....
Created armory_2QQkCkdt_recovered.wallet
$ python wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag*.txt --testnet
ERROR: Some files are duplicates!
wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag1_need_3.txt is Fragment 1
wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag2_need_3.txt is Fragment 1
wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag4_need_3.txt is Fragment 4
$ python wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag*.txt --testnet
* Restoring wallet from 3-of-N fragmented backup!
(WARNING) - ***Checksum error! Attempting to fix...
(WARNING) - Checksum fix failed
ERROR: Uncorrectable error
File: wallet_2QQkCkdt_frag1_need_3.txt
Line: y2