I started mining from a machine at home in probably December 2010 or January 2011, for a couple months it was a fun hobby - learning about stuff, hacking on getting automated mining to work under Linux, spending coins all over the place just to see what I could do with them - probably spent/lost/got scammed out of 500ish coins during that period.
Easy to look back on it and say it was stupid, but it was a lot of fun and a learning experience. Without that trade going I was a small part of, Bitcoin would never have a chance. My only real regret was keeping a bit too much coin in mybitcoin, iirc it was 50 coins at the time of them ditching. Keep in mind, at the time you could have a single high-end GPU mine 10 or so a day, and they were worth less than a few bucks each
This was play money, basically.
Given I enjoyed the hobby quite a bit, and felt there was a decent chance of ROI on GPU's at the time (free video cards! sign me up!) - I "invested" in a few mining rigs which finally got on-line months later due to business trips in May/June of 2011 just in time for the huge difficulty ramps and corresponding exchange rate bubble. By the time they were operational, the price had crashed and it wasn't looking like I'd ever make ROI back on the hardware itself, much less electricity.
2011 bubble happened and burst, and I didn't sell much during that time. Just kept things mining since then at a steady pace.
This bubble, when it hit $33 I sold enough to cover my original expenses, which was just under half of my entire btc holdings. Obviously I'm annoyed now I did that, but it was and still is a solid financial decision. I also cashed out a ~30% profit over my expenses at $174-238, which I've left on the Exchanges so far. I would have sold more (everything) had price held stable long enough to get money out of the exchanges at $200+. I simply don't trust them enough to dump everything at once - I'd rather have my coins safe, and do things in small increments without someone holding vast amounts (for me!) of cash on my behalf who might disappear tomorrow.
Not sure what I plan on doing now. I have just over half my total peak btc holdings safe in cold storage wallet, and have no plans on selling them any time soon. If the price drops considerably, I would like to re-buy the coins sold to pay expenses and get back to my original holdings in btc. At that point, I'd simply hold as savings - possibly cashing portions out to USD during any subsequent bubbles. The buy-in price for me would be low though, sub-$33
Other than that, I plan to simply spend them on things I need.
Overall I'm a "believer" in Bitcoin. This last bubble was absolutely retarded, and I believe damages the ecosystem more than helps it. I'm not convinced Bitcoin will exist 10 years from now, but I am convinced something very much like it will, if not it itself. Either way it's been a fun ride so far, that's probably provided more entertainment per dollar than anything else I could have started messing with