It is surprisingly neutral, yes, and it's fairly accurate as well. One of the best neutral reports on Bitcoin ever, definitely.
A very well written and constructed article.
While it is mostly uncontentious, there are a few points that would be worth addressing: the various risks assigned to Bitcoin. ... They don't quite seem to draw that parallel.
For the most part I thought it was a very well written objective analysis of Bitcoin.
The do get into some advocation for the current systems like fiat currencies and central banks .... but what do you expect. Really, all the issues they raise with Bitcoin apply to their current fiat paper franchises. The 'trust in central banks' sludge is just oozing out of the report.
The bottom line is it seems they are now aware of their new competitor, realize it is not currently a threat but could become one so they will watch it. Just like postal services, news organizations and the copyright industry have been decimated so likewise when they try to catch it I doubt they can.

+11, most accurate assessment.
EDIT: do we now have 3 threads about this?