In what way would a bar that sells bitcoin take bitcoin for their beer?
If the machine was the other way round, I would understand your point. You could walk in with bitcoins only and get a beer even if the shop owner had no clue of bitcoin. It would facilitate the conversion of shops to "accept" bitcoin and the commission would make sense as the customer would pay 1% to the bar on top of the beer they bought.
You're right, I was assuming that a bar that has a USD->Bitcoin ATM would also accept BTC for beer, but that would not necessarily be the case. It would be schizophrenic though to have the ATM and not accept BTC.
Is it really schizophrenic to buy a machine that magically accumulates thousands of dollars every month if I'm allowed to keep 1% in case I send the rest to the guy that sold me this magic box? Even if the bar owner cares about what bitcoins are, does he really need to accept them for his business? In Germany we have machines in bars that sell cigarettes that you are not allowed to use in that bar neither. Same with condoms.
Condom machines promote safe sex. They are not offered because bar owners want their customers to have sex in the bar. At least, I have lived in Germany and I was not aware of that.
Smoking is not allowed in bars because the government prohibits it, not because of free choice. The bar owner and customers preference is that they would rather decide for themselves if the bar is smoking or non-smoking.
If a bar doesn't care about the customers they want to attract, then they would offer any machine they can get their hands on, as long as it generates marginal profit, whether it is for cigarettes, condoms, gambling, etc. I argue that most bars do have a vision about the type of customers they want to attract. So most bars will only offer machines as a service to their customers if that is in line with their vision. You won't find a condom machine in the pub next to the church. But I also can't imagine an Irish pub without a cigarettes machine.
Schizophrenic is hyperbole for the sake of argument. I think offering a Bitcoin ATM and not accepting payment in Bitcoin would reveal a serious schizophrenic business vision on part of the bar owner.